Infographic — Welborn Media at your Golf Course

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
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Golf is a sport that brings friends together, away from the stresses of their everyday life, and let’s them hang out and have fun. We love working with all kinds of companies, but there’s something special about working with businesses that encourage friendship and community.

We have experienced some substantial success with Los Serranos Country Club, located in Chino Hills, CA.  During our time at Los Serranos Country Club, we updated their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and blog reaching more customers and influencing golfers to play golf at their golf course.   In 2012, Los Serranos was recognized as the CGCOA’s (California Golf Course Owners Association) 2012 Course of the Year:

“Los Serranos Country Club was recognized by the CGCOA as its 2012 Course of the Year for its dedication to the spirit of the game.  Los Serranos appeals to the highly competitive player as for more than 25 years, its courses have been qualifying sites for the Northern Trust LA Open, SCGA, SCPGA, CGA and USGA events.  Most importantly, Los Serranos reaches out to build the next generation of golfers through its various developmental programs, community outreach, and Kids Course.  The Jack Kramer family and the club staff is dedicated to its enduring legacy of Championship Golf and Gracious Hospitality since 1925.”

One of our big goals for 2013 is to help golf courses all over North America.  We’ve created a tremendous system to help bring golfers to golf courses and want to share that system with as many golf courses as possible.  As an avid player, and someone who loves golf and what it stands for, we want to be given the opportunity to help promote the game.

For us to accomplish this goal we’ve put together this information sheet that shows a glimpse of the value of social media marketing at a golf course.

Golf Courses and Social Media Marketing | Welborn Media at Your Golf Course

Welborn Media at Your Golf Course

There’s tons more information we can share to show why social media marketing is the right move for golf courses. To find more contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973 – 9089 or by email to get Welborn Media at your golf course.

You can also sign up for our monthly email newsletter which provides additional tips and advice on how to increase your online presence by filling out our Welborn Social Media Newsletter Sign Up Form.

For more information about golf courses and how golf courses can use social media to increase play and encourage golfers to play more often visit 19th Hole Media – Zeb Welborn Golf

Who’s Your Ideal Customer?

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Ideal Customer vs. Average Customer by Cynthia De La Torre

Who’s your ideal customer? Depending on your business, the difference between average and ideal customers could be hundreds, thousands or millions of dollars.

The average customer is someone who buys the product or service and has no relationship with the business beyond the buying and selling of goods.

The ideal customer is someone who continually buys the product or service and promotes the product or service to others.

As an entrepreneur, I learned early on that my success was dependent upon having people invested in my business and sharing my business with others. The Tutoring Solution, which provides tutoring for students across Southern California, was able to locate these ideal customers through email and social media campaigns. These ideal customers loved our product, loved the relationship I had developed with them, and encouraged other parents with kids in need to sign up for our tutoring services. One parent emailed her entire school telling them what a great job we were doing with her son, another encouraged five different families to receive tutoring from us and another, a High School Counselor, continues to refer every struggling student she comes across our way. These connections are not made by chance, they are fostered and have resulted in thousands of dollars in increased revenue.

Facebook and Twitter have given businesses the opportunity to locate these ideal customers and develop a win-win relationship that, when used effectively, will result in increased revenue. Not only do they make it easy to identify our ideal customers, but Facebook and Twitter encourage our customers to be more like our ideal customers. Every time they “like” our page, every time they “comment” on our page,and every time they “share” one of our posts, they are acting like a sales machine for our business.

Welborn Social Media has helped locate these ideal customers for the businesses we work. At Scrapbook Expo we developed a strong relationship with a scrapbooker from Georgia who continually re-tweeted our stuff. We connected with her and she told us she was contacting all of her Scrapbooking friends from across the United States to attend one of the Scrapbook Expos. Not only that, but she was sending our sales messages off to everyone she knew. Similarly, at Los Serranos, we located two fervent supporters of the golf course; we encouraged a stronger relationship which has resulted in the creation of our 19th Hole Stories where golfers share their most memorable events at the golf course and have taken their weekly golf match from a rival course to ours. At WireSpeed Systems we connected with Cisco Systems – the largest producer of computer networking equipment – where they made us their SuperFan of the month and consequently shared our business with more than 225,00o of their followers.

Facebook and Twitter give us the opportunity to identify, connect and grow our relationship with our biggest supporters. In the tutoring business, this has resulted in thousands of dollars in increased revenue. In other businesses, it could mean much, much more.

By its very nature, Facebook and Twitter encourage the sharing of information, and people will share what is important to them. If you give them an opportunity to connect with your business and make it easy for them to share your product or service, your business will benefit. If you want to make more money for your business, find who’s your ideal customer. From my experiences there is no easier way to find your ideal customers than through social media.

Contact Zeb Welborn today at (909) 973 – 9089 to schedule a free personalized presentation to demonstrate how we can help grow your business.