March at Chino Rotary: Dan Stover Music Contest, Sweet Cases Program Volunteer Event, First Craft Talk and More

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Sweet Cases for Together We Rise by the Chino Rotary Club and CP PhanIn March, the Chino Rotary Club hosted the annual Dan Stover Music Contest. We had some great contestants and identified a winner who will be moving onto the next round of the music contest. Hopefully we will see him at the District Conference.

CP Phan did a great job planning for the month of March. Thanks to CP, we were able to participate in the Sweet Cases Program by Together We Rise. Through their program we decorated duffel bags for foster kids with a teddy bear, hygiene kit and blanket.

Chino Rotary Club GolfingWe hosted our Meet & Greet where we met at Los Serranos Country Club. Some of us took some time to hit some golf balls while all of us discussed membership and trying to increase our membership between now and the end of the year. All of us committed to inviting a guest got every meeting from now until the end of June. Looking forward to growing Chino Rotary membership between now and the end of the fiscal year.
Lastly, we hosted our first of a series of Craft Talks. Our first craft talk went to Melinda Robbins and Jon Monroe who shared some exciting insights into how they got where they are today. We learned so much about Melinda and Jon. They both set a great precedent for the future of our Chino Rotary Club craft talks.

In April we have a lot coming up including Stepping Up for Boys, the District Conference, the Debbie Wilson Teacher Mini-Grants, more craft talks and an update on Arianna Fajardo and her little sister from the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program.

We also have a lot to celebrate as JV Cuasito and Narvee Intarachote welcomed new children into the world. Zeb Welborn and Chris Foster are not far behind with children due in July and August.

Chino Rotary Dinner & Auction, 2 New Members, 4-Way Speech Contest and Foundation Gala

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

February is always the busiest month of the year for us Rotarians as we plan and execute our annual fundraising event the Chino Rotary Dinner & Auction. The Dinner & Auction helps raise fund which we use throughout the year to make a positive impact in our community. In addition, we also hosted the 4-Way Speech Contest, added two new members, and attended President’s Advance and the Foundation Gala.

Chino Rotary Dinner & Auction

Our Chino Rotary Dinner & Auction was a huge success. Our goals were to double our sponsorships, attendance, donations and money raised. Although we didn’t double these efforts we substantially increased all of these efforts from our 2017 Dinner & Auction.

Last year we had 75 in attendance and this year we had more than 120 and increased the money raised from around $17,000 last year to somewhere between $20,000 and $24,000 this year. (We’re still calculating)

Great work Chino Rotarians on making our Dinner & Auction a huge success.

2018 Chino Rotary Dinner & Auction

Two New Members Added to Chino Rotary Club

We added two new members to the Chino Rotary Club this month. Delinia Lewis and Jon Monroe became our newest members. Delinia Lewis is the Community Resource Manager at the California Institution for Men and Jon Monroe works with the Chino Police Department.

Congratulations to Jon Monroe and Delinia Lewis on becoming members of the Chino Rotary Club.

Two New Members Added to Chino Rotary Club

Hosted 4-Way Speech Contest

We were excited to partner with the Rancho del Chino Rotary Club this year to host our 4-Way Speech Contest. We had an amazing speaker who will be representing us beyond our club. We’re very proud to be represented by such an amazing young lady.

Attended Foundation Gala and President’s Advance

Chino Rotarian Dale Bright was honored at the District 5300 Foundation Gala at the Queen Mary as the Chino Rotary Foundation Member of the Year. Congratulations to Dale Bright and thank you to Melinda Robbins, Linda Perla, Rick Bui, Chris Foster and Anthony Verches for attending to show your support for Dale.

Dale Bright is Rotary Foundation Member of the Year for 2017 - 2018

Chris and I also attended the President’s Advance on the Queen Mary so we could set up a strong succession plan for the Chino Rotary Club moving forward.

2018 Chino Rotary Board Selected, CVUSD Recognition, Rose Parade Float and More

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

The Chino Rotary Club finished 2017 on a high note. During the month we selected our 2018/2019 Board of Directors, were recognized by the Chino Valley Unified School District, helped build the Rotary Tournament of Roses Parade float, and assisted Isaiah’s Rock for the food giveaway and for their holiday giveaway.

2018/2019 Chino Rotary Club Board Selected

Congratulations to everyone who was asked to serve on the 2018/2019 Chino Rotary Club Board of Directors.

  • President – Chris Foster
  • President-Elect – Rick Bui
  • Secretary – Arianna Fajardo
  • Treasurer – Linda Perla
  • Director – Ray Marquez
  • Director – Gene Hernandez
  • Director – Mike Faherty
  • Past President – Zeb Welborn

Chino Rotary Club Recognized by the Chino Valley Unified School District

The Chino Valley Unified School District recognized the Chino Rotary Club for all the work we did for our community in 2017. Looking forward to helping more local youth in 2018.

Chino Valley Unified School District Recognizes Chino Rotary Club

Chino Valley Unified School District Recognizes Chino Rotary Club

Chino Rotary Club Assists Isaiah’s Rock

We helped distribute food to needy families for Isaiah’s Rock on December 20 and helped them by cooking food for volunteers at their toy giveaway on December 23.

Chino Rotary Club Assists Isaiah's Rock Toy Giveaway

Chino Rotary Club Assists Isaiah’s Rock Toy Giveaway

Holiday Luncheon

We invited the Chino Rotary Club, Chino Kiwanis, Rancho del Chino Rotary Club and Soroptimist International of the Chino Valley to attend our Holiday Luncheon on December 13. We loved spending time with other groups who are doing amazing things in the Chino Valley.

One of the coolest things about our Holiday Luncheon was having Kevin Sullivan reach out to many past-Presidents of the Chino Rotary Club to attend our Luncheon. It was great seeing these leaders who have helped impact our community in a substantial way.

Past Presidents of the Chino Rotary Club

Past Presidents of the Chino Rotary Club

Rose Parade Float

Several members of the Chino Rotary Club assisted on the Rotary Tournament of Roses Parade Float. It was a lot of fun creating the float for the 2018 Tournament of Roses Parade.

CARE Closet, $61,000 Student Scholarship & Chino Day at the Fair

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

The Chino Rotary Club did a lot of good in September. We worked the CARE Closet, attended Chino Day at the Fair and secured a Global Grant for our sponsored student, Anna Casalme to attend the University at Edinburgh in Childhood Studies for $61,000.

We started the month visiting the CARE Closet, a program run by the City of Chino and the Chino Valley Unified School District. Through the program we helped prepare clothes and supplies for homeless and needy families in the Chino Valley.

The video we shared on Facebook and YouTube received thousands of views and had dozens of people ask for the address so they could donate clothing and supplies to the CARE Closet. Thank you to Arianna for arranging the opportunity to work with the CARE Closet.

Watch the video here –

Chino Rotary Club Visits the Chino CARE Closet for the CVUSD

Jack Parra, a retired Anaheim PD Captain spoke to us about Self-Defense, we attended Chino Day at the Fair and…

Thanks to Chris Foster, Gene Hernandez and Melinda Robbins for helping secure a Global Grant for Anna Casalme. Anna reached out to us back in February asking if we would sponsor her to be a global grant recipient. Our club agreed to offer her a scholarship of $1,050 and she was nominated to receive a Global Grant from Rotary International which she received!

Anna, a Chino Hills resident, is now attending a Masters Program in Childhood Studies at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. A great job by Chino Rotarians, our Rotary District 5300 and Rotary International for helping Anna get a Global Grant.

Journalism, United Way and $14,400 Distributed at the Chino Rotary Club

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

August was another busy month for the Chino Rotary Club as we worked with the Inland Empire United Way and distributed $14,400 in checks to worthy charities. Melinda Robbins spoke about human trafficking and the Rotary International Convention. And Larry Welborn spoke about Why Journalism is Important.

On August 2, Larry Welborn, my father and hero, a retired journalist for the Orange County Register came to speak to the Chino Rotary Club about Why Journalism is Important.

Larry Welborn Speaking at the Chino Rotary Club about Why Journalism is Important

Larry Welborn Speaking at the Chino Rotary Club

My Dad discussed the main four reasons journalism is important. Those reasons are:

  • to stand up for those who can’t stand up for themselves
  • to bring out the truth
  • to make your readers care
  • to make a difference

On August 16, the Chino Rotary Club visited the Inland Empire United Way to take a tour of their facilities. The United Way does a lot for our local community including manning the 211 call center and collecting food and clothing for needy families.

Several Rotarians stuck around to write cards for terminally ill children to help brighten their day.

We shot this video to document our visit: Chino Rotary Club Visits the Inland Empire United Way.

Chino Rotary Club Visits Inland Empire United Way

Chino Rotary Club Visits Inland Empire United Way

On August 23, Melinda Robbins shared her experience at the Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, GA where they focused on one of the biggest issues facing our world today, human trafficking.

And on August 30, we distributed $14,400 to five different local charities: Boys Republic, the Chino Rotary Club, Love Them All Foundation, Priceless Pet Rescue and The Let It Be Foundation.

The Southern California Charity Golf Classic Raised $14,400 for Local Charities

The Southern California Charity Golf Classic Raised $14,400 for Local Charities

Want to get involved in the Chino Rotary Club? Email Chino Rotary President Zeb Welborn at

Welborn Media’s Top Ten List of 2015

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

At the end of the year, the Welborn Media team gets together to reflect on our successes and failures throughout the year. This meeting gives us an opportunity to fine-tune our direction and set new goals for the upcoming year.  These are the Top 10 things we accomplished in 2015.

Top 10 of 2015

10. Share Your Passion Scholarships

scholarshipsSince starting the Share Your Passion Scholarships in 2012, we’ve awarded scholarships to 17 deserving students. We have kept in contact with many scholarship winners and are still inspired by them. They continue to work towards following their passions and helping better the lives of others. This year we awarded 3 Share Your Passion Scholarships and gave out our first Student of the Year Scholarship Award to one of the hardest working students at The Tutoring Solution.

9. TV Appearance

11080661_10206382881436017_7712058961091484299_oZeb appeared on the Golf Life Video Channel for Fox Sports WEST. It was pretty darn cool to get on television.

8. Joined the Rotary Club

10984121_10154042856538840_6714998264776580589_nZeb was inducted into the Chino Rotary Club by Melinda Robbins, Dale Bright, and Steven Bremer. The Chino Rotary Club has been serving the Chino Valley since 1925. San Bernardino County Supervisor Curt Hagman spoke and my wife, Cindy, mom, Annie, and dad, Larry were all in attendance.

7. Speaking Engagements

zeb-speaking zeb-at-NGCOAOne of the things we enjoy most is educating others on growing their business. This year Zeb spoke with the San Bernardino County Workforce Investment Board, the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center, the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce, Baldy View ROP, Small Business Summit, the California Golf Course Owners Association and the Golf Inc. Summit.

Topics for Zeb’s Speaking Engagements were:

  • Internet Marketing Strategies
  • Marketing with Facebook
  • How to Turn Your Business Into a Social Business
  • Marketing with LinkedIn
  • Marketing with Twitter
  • Social Media for Golf Courses
  • Innovative Marketing Tactics for Public Courses

6. #GolfChat

At the beginning of this year Zeb started #GolfChat. #GolfChat is a Twitter chat which happens every Tuesday at 5PM PST where some of the greatest minds in the golf industry come together to talk golf. #GolfChat has grown drastically since the beginning of the year and is a trending topic on Twitter every Tuesday. We’ve met so many amazing and passionate people working to grow golf.  A highlight of #GolfChat in 2015 was when professional golfer, Natalie Gulbis surprised #GolfChatters by giving away free tickets to the U.S. Open at Chambers Bay Golf Course.

5. Awards and Accolades

Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 11.10.01 AMIt’s always nice to be recognized for the hard work you do. This year we were extremely grateful to receive a few unexpected awards:

4. Southern California Charity Golf Classic

11207321_10101061535855630_6436920246785791462_nWe hosted the 1st Annual Southern California Charity Golf Classic to raise money for several worthy charities on July 17 at Los Serranos Country Club.

With help from many in our community, the tournament helped raise $7,597.81 for charity.

We distributed the money to several charities including: Bark for Life, Boys Republic, California Scholastic Press Association, Chino Rotary, Corona Firefighters Benevolent Fund, House of Ruth, The Let It Be Foundation, Salvation Army, Share Your Passion Scholarship, and the Wounded Warrior Project.

We had such a great time with this, we’re planning on running it again in 2016!

3. Chairman of the Board at the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce

11755429_1665688123649805_2385826912900505227_nOn July 27, Zeb was installed as Chairman of the Board for the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Becoming the Chairman of the Board has given Zeb an opportunity to help make local business owners more successful.

During his term of office, he set five goals to work towards in 2015/2016:

  • connect and work with other local business-related organizations
  • collaborate more with organizations that work to educate business owners
  • encourage and promote the involvement of young business owners in our community
  • enhance our use of technology
  • focus more on giving back

2. Lacey Gets Married

11934520_10101096973568170_4628964527126702956_o10339951_10208018878287700_1976316121632257612_nIn August this year Lacey got married to Ryan Bernholtz at a fun wedding in Santa Ana, CA.

In June, Lacey’s twin brother, Rocky married Megan Hutchinson at a beautiful wedding in Corona, CA.

Truly a notable year for the Welborn Family and there was another addition to family this year…

#1. Birth of Sebastian Welborn-De La Torre

monsterbashSebastian Welborn-De La Torre was born on Friday, November 13th at 9:52pm in Ontario at 8 pounds, 9 ounces.

Sebastian is a happy, healthy, and super cute baby.

Zeb says it’s awesome being a dad.


Thank you all for everything!  We hope you all have an amazing 2016.

Sign up for our email list to become a part of Welborn Media in 2016 –