Social Media and Online Marketing Workshops in 2017 by Welborn Media

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Zeb Welborn and Welborn Media are looking forward to another great year speaking on social media, digital marketing and online marketing workshops in 2017.

Want to learn how to write blogs, create successful email marketing campaigns, use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social media channels to grow your business? Want to learn a comprehensive strategy to get your business on Google? Want to learn how to manage your reputation online so your customers will choose you over your competitors?

Email Marketing to Get the Sale

Sign up for our workshops in 2017 and take your business to the next level.

San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board:

Workshops are free to attendees. 

Email Marketing to Get the Sale on March 30 at High Desert Americas Job Center – 17310 Bear Valley Rd., Suite 109, Victorville, CA 92395.

Register for Social Media Workshops


Create a Winning Internet Marketing Game Plan for Your Business on April 13 at the City of San Bernardino Economic Dvlp. Agency- Board Room, 3rd Floor – 201 N. “E” St., San Bernardino, CA 92401

Register for Social Media Workshops

Get Immediate Business Results with Google Pay-Per-Click Campaigns on May 25 at Ontario Chamber of Commerce – 3200 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 130 , Ontario, CA 91764

Register for Social Media Workshops

The Right Way to Market Your Business on Facebook on June 22 at the High Desert Americas Job Center – 17310 Bear Valley Rd., Suite 109, Victorville, CA 92395

Register for Social Media Workshops


Inland Empire Small Business Development Center:

Workshops are free to attend: Sign up here

Internet Marketing Strategies on May 17 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Carnegie Cultural Center, 123 D Street, Upland 91786

Internet Marketing Strategies on June 1 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Temecula Valley Entrepreneurs Exchange, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula 92590

Internet Marketing Strategies on July 18 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Riverside County Business Center, 3403 10th Street (first floor), Riverside 92501

Internet Marketing Strategies on August 9 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, 3200 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 130 , Ontario, CA 91764

Completed 2017 Workshops:

Best Strategies for Business Blogging Success on February 16 at Ontario Chamber of Commerce – 3200 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 130 , Ontario, CA 91764

So Long Social Media | by Noe Gaytan

After a great 10 months, my time at Welborn Social Media has come to an end. While I have enjoyed working for Zeb and our clients, I am choosing to take on another opportunity I have been presented with. During my time with Welborn Social Media, I have also been working as an after-school program teacher in Ontario. I have been offered a full time position as an administrative assistant with them and will therefore no longer be working in social media.

I am grateful to Zeb and Lacey for giving me the opportunity to work with them, and I am happy to have been part of something that I’m sure will continue to bring together passionate individuals. The experience allowed me to develop many valuable skills that I’m sure will continue to help me in whatever path I go down. It was great working with Beau and the good people at System 1.  I wish them well. Zeb, thank you for everything and best of luck with all your current and future endeavors.

– Noe Gaytan

Thanks Noe Gaytan for everything you’ve done!

The 60-Day Blogging Challenge | An Interview with Jeffery Ross

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Jeffery Ross – Internet Marketing

Jeffery Ross is an Internet marketer, entrepreneur and stay at home dad. Jeffery is a member of a unique community called The Six Figure Mentors. The “Six Figure Mentors” is a community of like-minded people who are interested in taking their online businesses to the next level, and this community is full of some of the leading Internet Marketers around.

Jeffery recently embarked on a 60-day blogging challenge.  I was able to interview Jeffery about the blogging challenge he established for himself to help those of you interested in starting your own blog, or doing your own online marketing get an understanding of what it takes to become an Internet Marketer while avoiding some of the pitfalls and understanding what it takes to succeed.

What got you started on this 60 day blog writing challenge?

Well Zeb back in October last year I became a member of an unique community called the Six Figure Mentors, and in November they set a marketing challenge for any one who was willing and just happen to be a 60 day blogging challenge. During the time that this challenge was set I was learning all about Blogging so i could add this to my marketing and relationship building strategies and I always like learning a new skill. So it was perfect timing for me and I can’t think of a better way to learn a new skill then a challenge to keep you accountable.   

What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned from writing 60 blogs in 60 days?

I will keep the answer to this one short and sweet. I have heard the expression before I started blogging everyday that “content is king” this is true but in opinion it is QUALITY Content that is king and you have to keep you content engaging otherwise people won’t read it. And another lesson i have learned is to always have the mindset of adding value to everything you do and that is what i like to do with my blogs, it is my aim to add value to my readers… 

What the biggest mistake you’ve made so far?

A great Question Zeb, At the start of my journey i was to focused on just blogging for blogging sake just so i could content out there. Now i have learned from this and it all about adding value and been engaging all the time and it doesn’t hurt to be conversational with your blogs.

What’s your passion?  Why did you decide to take on this challenge?

Another couple of great questions, Lets start with the first one. I am very Passionate about helping others to learn how they can have a digital life. The worlds economy is changing and we are at the start of a new age the Digital age. Just whilst we are on this topic, I would just like to share with you my Mission for 2013. My mission in 2013 is to EMPOWER 124 serious  entrepreneurs to create a digital life where they are in absolute control of their own DESTINY & Financially Self – Sufficient. So they can have the FREEDOM & Lifestyle they choose to have. So why did I take this challenge on the answer to this is simple, for me to help 124 Entrepreneurs this year alone i have to learn the cutting edge skills so i can do this, plus I always thrive on a challenge and this one was no exception. I have found committed myself to a challenge like this keeps me accountable to achieve the desired outcome.

Jeffery Ross – 60 Day Blog Challenge

What’s been your favorite blog post so far and why?

WOW that is a tough question, but i like it you made me think on this one there is so many but i will only pick one. My favourite blog is “How do you actually make money online” . This is my favourite because i go on to explain that if you want o make money online you have to have the right foundations in place and having the right mindset. See i have actually been making an effort to make money online for around 2 years now and it wasn’t until i changed my mindset from an opportunity seeker to the mindset of a business owner that i started to have success with my online business. the moment i changed my mindset everything started to happen for me. so this one is very close to my heart for that reason…  

Who do you get advice from?

I have few different methods of getting feed back and advice from, I am a member of a blogging group were we help each other, this is a very close group of only 10 people which one of the members is yourself Zeb, and i do like taking your advice you have helped me out so much on my blogs over the past few months. Some the other place i get advice from is my Mentor and the SFM community I also run a weekly Master Mind session fro a few people here in Australia and New Zealand all members from the SFM..

What would you recommend to others who want to get started doing what you’re doing?

My biggest advice to anyone who is looking into getting started with Internet Marketing is Find a Mentor, someone that you can work closely with and someone already has had some success so you can follow in their footsteps and remember that there is no get quick rich scheme to be successful at this game you need to put in the hard yards just like any other business and one final piece of advice is to treat it like a business not a hobby, if you treat like a hobby you will only get hobby results…   

What’s been your greatest success story so far?

Great question, When I first started with the Six Figure Mentors , I went in with a whole new mindset see in the past i would normally only go into something new with one toe dipped into the water this time i jumped in the deep end and it paid of as within my first 6 weeks of been a member of the SFM i got my first $1000 commission sale, I learned that day it’s so true that Action takers are the ones who get rewarded…

What are you hoping to achieve with your business?  How do you make money?

It’s my goal to have my business up and running with multiple streams of income and to be able to educate beginners to the Internet Marketing world on how to start their own online business so they can set up their own multiple streams of income and have the FREEDOM that they want. I plan on having this up and running at 100% capacity in the next 5 years… At this present time i make money with High commissions from direct sales, I promote The Six Figure Mentors And the Digital Experts Academy and for every sale of one of their product that I sell i get a commission form that and that have a product for everyone ranging from low end sales to high end sales.

Jeffery Ross is an entrepreneur and a stay at home dad.  He started his online business 2 years ago and has never looked back. It is his mission to help others with the skills that he has learned so they too can have the Digital lifestyle.  Jeffery is passionate about travelling the world while being free to live the life he wants to live and teaching others to do the same.

Connect with Jeffery Ross through Facebook, or his website –


How to Turn an Unhappy Customer Into a Raving Fan

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

The most frequent question I get from potential clients is, “What happens if somoene posts something negative about us?”

The truth is that if people are upset with your business, they will find a way to get the word out about your unfair service.  If you’re worried about people posting negative comments about your business, then you might want to re-think the way you’re conducting business in the first place.

Today, businesses are being held more and more responsible by their customers.  If one customer feels upset about the way they were treated they can tarnish the reputation of a business.

Everyone’s heard the saying, “A happy customer tells a friend.  An unhappy customer tells the world.”  The greatest thing about the Internet is that it’s changing that relationship.  The new way business is done is, “A happy customer tells its network.  An unhappy customer tells the world. And an organization demonstrates how it treats its customers.”

Before the Internet, if a customer was unhappy, they would leave your store, never come back and tell all their friends about what bad service they received.  The worst thing for a business would be to lose customers and not know why they were losing customers.  Knowing your problems and confronting them will help any organization retain customers and acquire new ones.

Today, businesses have an exciting opportunity to REALLY understand what their customers want based on reviews they leave on a variety of websites.  They can then implement strategies to address the needs of their customers and provide exceptional service.  Some organizations understand the value this can bring to their business and others do not.

Organizations can do one of two things when a customer complains, they can hide from it and hope it goes away or they can react to it and confront the problem head on.  Here are two examples of how organizations react to customer feedback.

Before I begin my story, and tell you about how to turn an unhappy Customer into a Raving Fan, let me say that I’m not in the habit of complaining about organizations, but when I do it’s because I genuinely enjoy my relationship with the business, but they do something that makes it feel like they are trying to cheat me out of something.  These are the only two complaints I’ve had against any company in the past 10 years, but these companies handled them in two distinctly different ways.

#1 – Big League Dreams in Chino Hills –

The Comment:  “Dissappointed.  I played softball and soccer here since the park opened.  I used to love playing here.  The place was packed and although pricey was still a fun place to get my exercise in for the week and release some stress.  After adding up the seasons played here I’m estimating I’ve spent around $4,000 or so.  On Thursday nights play has gone down from 30 games a night to around 12 and they’ve decided to raise prices . . . I came into the pro shop on the third week of the season to pay my player fee because my coach forgot to mention it to us and it slipped my mind.  The response from the proshop was either you pay a $10 penalty making it $40 or you can’t play.  Considering I’ve been a loyal customer for nearly a decade I expect some allowances to be made for this type of situation.  Not only were they forcing me to pay an additional $10 which made me feel like I was being taken advantage of but they were also condescending and accusatory in blaming me for the oversight.  I go to their park to relax and have a good time, not to feel cheated.  This is my last season at Big League Dreams.  I used to love playing here and I hope they realize that making their customers happy is their number 1 priority.  Deleting comments to Facebook only add to the misguided efforts of their business.  I hope they can turn it around.  I would love to see Big League Dreams be great again.”

The Response:  I originally posted a similar comment to their Facebook page and after many of my friends began liking the comment and reiterating how frustrated they were the administrator deleted my comment adding to my frustration.  I never received any response from Big League Dreams and as a result me and my entire softball team decided to play at another venue.  In addition this comment and others left by frustrated players were left up for all to see.

The Outcome:  Just from our team, Big League Dreams lost close to $4,000 per year in happy, satisfied customers who would have continued to use their fields and be happy to do so.  Yet, when the opportunity arose to fix a minor problem by their staff we felt mistreated and so, we took our business elsewhere.

#2 – 24 Hour Fitness Super Sport – Ontario

The Comment:  “Unhappy.  Tell me if I’m missing something here.  I’ve been a member of 24 hour fitness in Chino Hills for years, my brother and I wanted to join the gym and he gets quoted a price of $39.99, meanwhile, me a loyal customer for years gets quoted at $69.99 because I’m already a member at another gym.  And they won’t let me cancel and renew my membership under this new plan.  Common sense would tell any organization that you treat your customers well . . . instead giving me an ultimatum, pay up or cancel my membership.  I’ve enjoyed my experience at the 24 hour fitness in Chino Hills, but feel angry and dissappointed that an organization as big as 24 would work so hard to try and stick it to their current, loyal customers.  I hope things in the organization change.  Other than that it looked like a nice facility, but you can be sure I will never use 24 hour fitness again.”

The Response:  Within the hour this posting, I received a call from the same individual that gave me the ultimatum to cancel my membership saying that she had worked out a way we could stay at the club for the agreed upon price for my brother.  Two days later I received another email from the Club Manager asking if there was anything she could do to help me become a part of the club.

The Outcome:  24 Hour Fitness could have missed out on $960 per year from my brother and I.  After posting my original comment, I was committed to never using 24 Hour Fitness again . . . Today, I am telling YOU what a great organization 24 Hour Fitness is.

24 Hour Fitness gets the power of negative reviews, social media and the Internet and will continue to thrive.  Big League Dreams in Chino Hills does not and will continue to struggle.

Review sites, can be extremely valuable to any business.  Most people won’t post negative reviews about a business, they will just refuse to go back.  I wrote those reveiws because I enjoyed spending my time at both places and wanted to continue our relationship.  One company made it easy to do so and the other did not.

The Internet is changing the way business works.  Today’s successful businesses will embrace negative comments as feedback and attempt to fix the problems that upset their customers and not try to hide those comments.  They will embrace them and then work to come up with solutions that will make their customers happy.

Happy customers make frequent customers. And frequent customers make happy businesses.

24 Hour Fitness Super Sport in Ontario

By the way, I revised my Yelp Review for 24 Hour Fitness to read as follows:

“UPDATE:  I received a call from 24 Hour Fitness shortly after posting this comment.  They listened and worked hard to correct the problem.  We are now members of the 24 Hour Fitness in Chino and are thankful that the staff at 24 Hour Fitness took the time to handle our situation in order for us to become customers at 24 Hour Fitness.  While our initial experience was less than ideal the staff, in particular Caren, worked with us to ensure our happiness.  Thank you 24 Hour Fitness and Caren.”

24 Hour Fitness knows how to turn an unhappy customer into a raving fan.  Do you?

At Welborn Social Media we can help turn unhappy customers into raving fans.  We can help monitor what people are saying about you online so you can take action to make sure you retain customers and bring in happy new ones.  Contact Zeb today to find out how Welborn Social Media can help improve your online reputation management and marketing efforts – (909) 973 – 9089.


Gotcha Covered | Take Your Windows from Ordinary to Extraordinary!

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Gotcha Covered of Chino Hills

Gotcha Covered of Chino Hills offers free in-home consultations to discuss the needs you have for your windows.  Gotcha Covered is partnered with Lafayette, Hunter Douglas, Graber, Wesco fabrics and many more.  They can treat any window specific to your needs.  They also offer their services for residential and commercial customers. Let Gotcha Covered take your windows from ordinary to extraordinary!

Theresa Mastroianni has been educated in the fine art of beautifying interior spaces.  Window coverings designed properly can accentuate the warmth and elegance of a home.  Theresa designs window coverings that enhance the character of each clients home.  She uses the juxtaposition of different materials, such as, wood, iron, and fabric to create a harmonious design balance.  She guides her client through the creative and technical process of window treatment design.  Each client gets to enjoy participating in the design process with her guidance and expertise.

Cindy Domino has been in the home textile design business for 15 years. She had the pleasure of working with Kathy Ireland, Alexander Julian and Donald Trumps design teams for their fashion bedding programs. She also worked with major department stores creating bedding and window treatment programs.

We are helping Gotcha Covered reach out to new customers by helping them rank higher in the Google search results using search engine optimization.  We highly recommend their services as they are extremely passionate in what they do.  They’ve been able to help many happy customers as evidenced by the high recommendations they’ve received from others.

Gotcha Covered provides draperies, window coverings, wood blinds, shutters, window and interior design services in Chino, Chino Hills, Diamond Bar, Claremont, Yorba Linda, Fullerton, Anaheim Hills, Orange County, Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Los Angeles County, and the Inland Empire

If you have any windows that need a little something extra, contact Cindy Domino at Gotcha Covered – 909-855-0779 or Theresa Mastroianni at

A Content Marketing Hub Every Marketer Must Have | by Niveen Salem

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Niveen Salem – Elite Marketing Secrets

A Content Marketing Hub Every Marketer Must Have

What is a content marketing hub every marketer must have?

Sonia Simone, an author and one of Copyblogger’s co-founders calls it a “content hub – a centerpiece for your content marketing”. You probably figured it out. Yes, it’s a blog!

What is a Blog?

A blog is a online educational center about your business based on value offered. In marketing terms, it’s called attraction marketing. It’s simply your real estate piece of land on the internet. It’s a place to interact with your potential customers. But before you start a blog you need to understand your audience. This will stem from having a strong niche. Only then you’ll be able to research their problems, issues and concerns and help them find the solutions through writing a content marketing strategy about the problems. It’s the foundation of all social media tools.

But, wait a second: I thought social media is Twitter and Facebook?

Social media outlets are great to start a conversation but ultimately you want to bring your visitors back to your home base – your blog. Creating a social media marketing plan for your blog is essential in promoting your content. Here comes the importance of all social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube and Pinterest.

Why Blogging – 10 Benefits to Start your Own Blog?

  1. Thought Leader: When you blog you’re perceived as a thought leader and an expert in your industry or niche. People will start coming to you for questions, concerns and problems that they need answers for. It creates a conversation rather than a one way monologue.
  2. Trusted Source: When providing valuable content in your blog, your readers will build a trust relationship with you which turns into a lead and a lead turns into a sale.
  3. Blogging Sharpens Your Saw: When you’re blogging regularly, you’re forced to read and educate yourself about your industry. Eventually you’ll become more informed and educated than your competitors. Your presentations will become better, your problem solving abilities and skills will enhance and your tool and resource systems will grow. You’ll simply become a better teacher who have an answer to every question. All this from blogging!
  4. Freedom: A blog gives you an incredible amount of freedom where no one can tell you what to promote or not. You have total control over your content and your audience. No one has the right to flag your content as inappropriate or decide suddenly to cancel your Facebook Fan Page or delete your LinkedIn group discussions. One of my LinkedIn group discussions was suddenly deleted after reaching 42 comments in a few days!
  5. You have 100% control over the look, design and functionality of your site
  6. Blogging Traffic: Statistics show that blogging creates 55% more traffic and visitors to companies. Source: Hubspot.
  7. Build a Tribe: Blogging creates a tribe of followers, fans, readers and build relations with potential customers
  8. Your blog is a great way to generate leads. You can always make money blogging by monetizing your blog if you’re in the affiliate marketing industry
  9. You can include many sources of content marketing in your blog (not only writing) – such as a video or a podcast.
  10. By 2013, it is projected that 128 million people in the US will be blog readers. Source: MyMarketingDept.

There are 100’s of other statistics that you can search online to find out more benefits of blogging.

How to Create a Blog?

Nowadays creating a blog became a very simple process as 1, 2, 3:

  1. You need to choose and create a domain name
  2. Then create a web hosting account
  3. Then use a simple WordPress blog theme

How to Blog?

I know the objection as I was there before you: ” But I’m not a writer! What am I going to write about?” There are 5 reasons why you can become a killer blogger. How to blog is very simple once you follow these steps:

1. Write about your passion
2. Offer valuable dynamic content and avoid putting your readers to sleep with these 6 ways.
3. Use marketing tactics and strategies when writing a blog post. Here are 3 valuable tactics:

  • Be the Resource Your Customers Really Need
  • Answer the Unanswered Questions
  • Find the Questions Your Customers are Asking

4. You’ll always need to improve your blog post using these 5 tips

  • Plan your blog post before you start writing
  • Give examples of how and what to do, not only why
  • Always end your post with a call to action
  • Edit your title, introduction and conclusion
  • Use easy formatting

5. Content curation is a well known concept in blogging which allows you to write a blog post about something you’ve read online. THE RULE is to refer to the author’s name and article link in your post. When I first started blogging on my blog – Elite Marketing Secrets – I used this method a lot until I was able to create my own content.

6. You can find blogging ideas to create your own content using these sources:

  • Other blogs (curating content)
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Movies
  • TV
  • Forums
  • Friends
  • Real life story
  • Success / failure stories
  • Google
  • Social media
  • Reviews
  • Interviews
  • Best of…..
  • How to…..
  • Case studies
  • Solve a problem
  • Your blog comments

7. Humanize or personalize your blog posts with your personality. Nothing is more boring than reading a blog post on a certain subject without feeling the author’s personality involved in the post. Mention your experiences, likes, dislikes, others experiences or stories. Storytelling is the #1 reason for grabbing your audience attention. It’s key in content marketing. If you master storytelling, then you mastered marketing and that is what 99.99% of marketers lack.

8. Here are a few more good blogging practices and tips:

  • Be consistent
  • Be organized
  • Be specific
  • Make it about your audience not about you (be interested not interesting)
  • Write a compelling headline
  • Engage your readers
  • Respond to your comments
  • Promote your content
  • Optimize your post
  • Join a blogging community
  • Share your expertise and others

Free Blogging Book

I’d like to offer a free blogging book here as an added value. Inside the book, you’ll discover how to blog your way to the top of your home business organization. The concepts in this book can be applied on any business.

Click here to get your free blogging book from Elite Marketing Secrets

To Your Success,
Niveen Salem

Save Lives . . . Complete Cambodia

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Complete Cambodia | Building a Future, Free of the Past

We recently began working with Steve Pennington from Complete Cambodia.  We’ve never met a more passionate individual . . . a man who is trying to make a difference.  During the Vietnam War massive amounts of bombs were dropped in Cambodia. They are still going off today, killing innocent Cambodians more than 30 years after the Vietnam War.  Complete Cambodia’s mission is to remove those mines from Cambodia by building awareness for this cause.

To build awareness, Steve has asked us to build a website designed to accept donations and by holding fundraising events. He already has plans for a benefit concert at a later date.  Steve is also headed to Cambodia on September 18 to assist in removing land mines.  Here is what Steve had to say about his mission for Complete Cambodia:

I have been inspired to take action in raising the awareness level, as well as fundraising for what is occurring in Cambodia as a result of America’s actions during the Vietnam war. From the years of 1964 through 1973 over 2 million tons of ordnance were dropped by United States bombers over Cambodia.

Presently, men, woman and children are being injured and killed by land mines and unexploded bombs. At a rate of almost 1 per day.

Cambodia is by far the most bombed area on the planet to date, and because of that their economy is handcuffed. Land can’t be developed for building roads and schools, as well as farmed. It’s crippling a society. The children seem to be the most affected as they tend to think the land mines are toys, and when they pick them up, they obviously explode.

If the organizations that are there don’t continue to get funding and a dialog in this country is not created, casualties of the Vietnam war will continue to occur. The people of Cambodia will never have the ability to thrive as a society and will constantly be living in the face of fear.

By creating awareness and doing the fundraising, the people of this amazing country will finally be able to take ownership of their land. They will be able to walk anywhere without the fear of being injured from a land mine or bomb. They will have the ability to build and farm on land that they have not been able to because it WILL be safe to do so. Most of all, as a society, they will start to get complete with something that we as being on the outside, consider history.

My intentions are to host a benefit concert to not only fundraise, but to generate more recognition towards this cause. Any help is greatly appreciated on raising the awareness of the Complete Cambodia project.

Thank you,

Steve Pennington

We are thrilled to work with such a passionate individual and encourage all of you to become engaged in his cause.  Visit his website at and tell us what you think.

You can also connect with Complete Cambodia on their Facebook page –, or their Twitter account @CmpleteCambodia.  Together we can make a difference.

Noé Gaytán Joins Welborn Social Media

Noé Gaytán

After I graduated with my BA in studio art, I knew that establishing proper web presence was the next step for me. I bought my first domain and set up my first web site using WordPress.  I started shaping my Tumblr to be a more “professional” blog where I posted my writings, art, and events. In February I started working on what came to be Nomad Art Project, a traveling art gallery I run out of a tent, and used KickStarter to help fund the project. This was a way for me to stay more involved with art, but more importantly, a way to help out other artists looking to show their work. A strong sense of community and “paying it forward” has always been important to me, which is also one of the reasons I wanted to join Welborn Social Media.

When Zeb first offered me a position, I was excited to join the team. I spend so much time on the internet anyway; it made sense to finally get paid for it. I think the internet is a pretty fascinating thing. As humans, we can enjoy keeping in touch with friends and family on Facebook, find people with similar interests on Tumblr, or share our videos on YouTube. For business, the internet is more than just a place for social entertainment; it is a vital part of their success. Want to let your customers know the latest news? Writing a blog post is a great way to get the word out. Don’t want to pay for printed coupons? Post a link on Facebook. Want to show up on Google? An effective SEO campaign can go a long way. Knowing the right tools can make all the difference.

For a small business, it is essential that they tap in to their community. With people spending more time on their computer than watching TV, and becoming ever more attached to their smartphones, the best way to engage a 21st century community is through the internet. Social media marketing is great in that it reaches the most people in the easiest way. And if you’re good at it, it can come across so seamless and natural that a business becomes less of a “company” and more of a “friend”. That is why I enjoy the work I do. It’s not so much about “link building”, its more about “community building”.