A Look Back: 2021 Top Ten for Welborn Media

Welborn Media’s 2021 Recap

2021 was another challenging year. We are fortunate that we still have plenty to be grateful for. Every year we look back on the past 12 months and pick out our Top Ten.

The tradition continues…

#10 — Zeb’s Board Involvement

When we first started, Zeb joined the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce — no one could have guessed how big of an impact that would have on our business. He joined their board shortly after and now he’s the president of the Chamber. Since then he has joined many other boards to connect with other local business owners, entrepreneurs and just doers in general.

Zeb Welborn is President of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce, PR Chair for Rotary International District 5300, Treasurer and Past-President of the Chino Rotary Club, Board Member of the Chaffey College Foundation Board, Advisory Board Member of the California Golf Course Owners Association, Board Member of the Chino Valley YMCA, Advisory Member for SBCO Superintendent’s West End Advisory, Member at the University Club of Pasadena, and on the W.A.C.E. Planning Committee.

#9 — Zeb Recognized at Chino Valley Business Awards & Recognition Dinner

In 2020 Champion Newspapers named Zeb Welborn the Outstanding Citizen of the Year. Due to the pandemic, there was no event to mark the occasion. This year we finally got to celebrate in person with many of the people who have helped Zeb on his journey to this point. It was a wonderful night!

Champion Newspapers chose Zeb because of his and the Chamber’s work helping struggling local businesses during the coronavirus pandemic. Read the article, click here.

#8 – Business Consulting with San Bernardino County

Our work with the County of San Bernardino Workforce Development Department continues to be interesting and rewarding — especially amidst the pandemic.

Through the program we use our services to help local businesses avoid layoffs, grow their business, and hire new employees. We get to teach these businesses about digital marketing and provide consulting to help them achieve their goals.

#7 – Zeb’s Speaking Engagements

Zeb used to be a teacher, and if you know that you can see it in his presentations. He provides practical information that attendees can immediately apply to their business and in their life. In 2021, speaking engagements were limited, but Zeb still had several opportunities to share and help those in attendance.

Learn more about Zeb’s Speaking and check out some of his reviews, click here.

#6 – High-Quality Video Content

Several clients have benefitted from the high-quality videos that we have used to tell customers stories, establish brand credibility and help to make the businesses look good. In 2021 we created videos for Infuzion Zone, Marketplace Physical Therapy, Monterey Country Club, Santa Barbara Parks & Recreation and Shell Roofing.

Click here to see some of the videos we have produced – Welborn Media Videos

#5 – Shell Roofing Website Reveal

Welborn Media has provided website management for years. This year our client, Shell Roofing, had a website reveal party. The excitement shown by the Shell Roofing Team put smiles on our faces – we love that this event was celebrated.

Our website management services can take care of your domain registration, hosting, website design, site security, regular backups, website updates and much more. Learn more about our website management, click here.

#4 – Pepe’s Towing Proposals

This year we took on a new challenge. For our own business we have responded to several government released RFPs, but this was the first time we helped create them for a client. Pepe’s Towing provides towing services and has worked with the Freeway Service Patrol program in the County of San Bernardino and the County of Riverside for dozens of years. Recently, a Los Angeles based business began winning more and more of these contracts seemingly because of their very thorough and polished proposals.

Pepe’s Towing heard that Welborn Media could help them present their services in the best light possible and help them beat the competition. Lacey developed high-quality proposals to help them win three huge contracts. In their own words, “Welborn Media didn’t just knock it out of the park, they hit us a grand slam!”

This was a new and interesting assignment and we loved it! If you feel that we can help you create an improved proposal in response to an RFP, please reach out! Email Lacey@WelbornMedia.com

#3 – New Hire!

Throughout 2021 we worked toward goals to put ourselves in a position to make 2022 our best year ever, and we are right on track. In the last week of the 2021 Welborn Media interviewed many qualified candidates and found a great hire. Alycia Morgan is a marketing specialist with great energy. With her on our team we feel nothing but excitement for 2022.

#2 – New Clients

Whenever we gain a new client we are excited and grateful to bring them into the Welborn Media family. Our goal has always been to help businesses grow by sharing about the work they do and the people who are a part of the organization. We are fortunate to be able to continue doing that work with long-time clients and new clients.

#1 – Hello Andrew!

In June this year we met our nephew Andrew!

Our family is incredibly important to us and we are excited to have another Welborn in the world. Our nephew already loves his sisters more than anything and he looks like he might grow up to be the tallest Welborn yet. We love our nephew!

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Lacey Welborn
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