About the WSM Facebook Secrets Revealed Presentation

Chino Valley Chamber of CommerceWe recently gave a presentation about how small businesses should use Facebook at the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce. Facebook is an amazing tool because so many people spend so much time on the popular social media website. Utilizing Facebook has many benefits for any business: gain customers, ensure customers are happy with your product/service so they will recommend you, develop brand recognition, gain helpful contacts and more.

Internet Users that are on Facebook

Reason to be on Facebook

We talked about how to set up a Facebook Page, including dimensions for design, using keywords and setting up apps. Properly set up a business page look professional and ensure information is easy to find. Having a solid content strategy is important to make sure businesses get the most out of Facebook. Knowing what to post can be difficult, but we have several suggestions to help provide inspiration. To build a following businesses should look to the resources they already have like email lists, mailings, and current customers.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising has tools to zero in on your target market.

In the presentation we also shared about the available Facebook tools and how they can enhance a business page. One of the most important tools is Facebook Advertising. Facebook advertising allows ads to target potential customers based on several factors. After setting up a page, implementing a content strategy, and setting up Facebook Ads, Facebook Insights can be used to monitor efforts, determine what works, what doesn’t and how to improve.

Welborn Social Media’s Presentation: Facebook Secrets Revealed went over well at the CVCC. If you know a group of businesses that would benefit from a presentation like this please contact us! Also, if you would like more information about how to use Facebook for your business contact Zeb Welborn 909.973.9089 or at Zeb@WelbornSocialMedia.com.

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Lacey Welborn
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