Turning Your Business into a Social Business

In a recent survey by Regus, they found the amount of businesses who used Social Media to acquire new business jumped from 35% to 43% in the United States this year.  Every year those figures increase as more and more businesses realize Social Media is becoming a necessity.  But, how can companies maximize the potential of their Social Media campaign?

The companies who incorporate Social Media and become Social Businesses are the companies who will thrive in the new economy.

What is a Social Business?

According to IBM,

A Social Business isn’t just a company that has a Facebook page and a Twitter account. A Social Business is one that embraces and cultivates a spirit of collaboration and community throughout its organization—both internally and externally.

Social Businesses focus on the customer.  Tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogging and Google+ are all used to develop a relationship with the customer and the customer is given the opportunity to interact with the business.  In turn, the business then modifies or arranges their policies to better suit the needs of their customers.

What Makes a Social Business

If you want to maximize the potential of Social Media your business needs to embrace Social Media as a vehicle to engage and interact with the customer.  These interactions should result in implementing policies and procedures to connect with what your customers truly want and need.

Overall, those companies who are considered Social Businesses experienced greater revenue and profit increases this past year than businesses who did not use Social Media.  This year, in the same Regus survey, 48% of businesses who did not use Social Media saw an increase in revenue and 39% of businesses who did not use Social Media saw an increase in profits.  During the same time frame, 53% of businesses who used Social Media saw an increase in revenue and 44% of businesses who used Social Media saw an increase in profits.

The numbers are clear, if you use Social Media your business is more likely to see an increase in revenue and profits.  For more information on how your company can become a Social Business, contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973 – 9089 for a free consultation.

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  1. The one thing I am finding that it takes a fair bit of effort and time to keep my business in the Social Media spotlight. I suppose there are some great tool out there that help but constant application is required!

  2. I agree with Gordon about keeping my business in the Social spotlight.

    I went on a 3 week holiday over Christmas where i didn’t do anything online. And when i got back I felt like i got punished for not being active everyday as my stats went right down.

  3. Pingback: An Interview with Zeb Welborn from Welborn Social media! | Jeffery-Ross Marketing

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