A Facebook Thanksgiving

Social media is an absolutely wonderful thing. It allows you to connect with people from across the country or around the world instantly. Sometimes I forget how great social media is. Today I remembered as I celebrated my first Facebook Thanksgiving.

I’m more than 1,600 miles away from the place that I’ve been every Thanksgiving since I was born. This year I ended up going to my boyfriend’s family’s Thanksgiving feast. It is the first time I can remember not having a BBQed turkey on Thanksgiving day. While I was getting ready to eat I wondered what my family was doing.

When I popped open my smart phone and checked Facebook there was an brand new photo album on my dad’s profile called How to BBQ a Turkey. He updated the album throughout the day. A few times when I had a free moment to check Facebook there were new pictures. It was really awesome. I felt like I didn’t completely miss out on my family’s Thanksgiving. The pictures felt familiar. They made me miss being at home, but they also made me happy. One of the many things I’m Thankful for is Social Media. Today it allowed me to be connected to my family even though I was so far away.

A Facebook Thanksgiving - Welborn Media

A Facebook Thanksgiving













Happy Facebook Thanksgiving!

Today is a day to give thanks. We have plenty to be thankful for. This has been a truly amazing year for Welborn Social Media. This is the year Welborn Social Media got it’s start and this year has forever changed my and my brother’s life.

We’re thankful for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube for making it so easy to connect with more and more people who have such varied interests and passions from around the world. We’re thankful for our wonderful clients and their hard work and dedication that make our work so rewarding. Most importantly we’re thankful for all our friends and family who have shown us such tremendous support.

And from just me, I’m thankful for my brother, who helped rescue me from unemployment by showing me that we could just start our own business. It’s hard work but it’s infinitely more rewarding than any job I might have found by applying for open positions at other companies.

It’s a wonderful day to spend with your family, but if you can’t remember that you can still connect with them digitally.

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  1. Lacey, I’m thankful for you as well. None of anything we have done in the past two years could have been accomplished without you. We missed you being here this Thanksgiving and hope you had a great time in Iowa. Love you sis.

  2. Very true Lacey !! We take a lot of technology for granted mobile phones, the internet, social media. Personally I still remember the first time I said to my then business colleagues – Hey have you heard about this Internet and email thing – we could message one another instead of phoning or faxing …. 🙂

  3. This is a Lovely Blog post, very touching…

    it got me thinking on how far we have come over the last 10 years with he likes of the Internet and technology and I wonder how far we will have come in another 10 yrs, It’s very exciting times ahead. I am for one glad to be part of this new Digital age…

    • Thanks . . . Thanksgiving is always a great time to spend with family . . . and always a conflict when new couples get together and have to decide which family they will be attending Thanksgivings with. This way it’s like everyone can be at each persons Thanksgiving in a way.

  4. I’ve thought of this very situation many times as the world has grown smaller. We lived in Japan when calls where $4 a minute and family seemed in another universe. My wife and I were also exchange students in the Middle East and have often thought of how connected we could have been with friends and family.
    Great story!

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