Social Media and Online Marketing Workshops in 2017 by Welborn Media

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Zeb Welborn and Welborn Media are looking forward to another great year speaking on social media, digital marketing and online marketing workshops in 2017.

Want to learn how to write blogs, create successful email marketing campaigns, use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social media channels to grow your business? Want to learn a comprehensive strategy to get your business on Google? Want to learn how to manage your reputation online so your customers will choose you over your competitors?

Email Marketing to Get the Sale

Sign up for our workshops in 2017 and take your business to the next level.

San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board:

Workshops are free to attendees. 

Email Marketing to Get the Sale on March 30 at High Desert Americas Job Center – 17310 Bear Valley Rd., Suite 109, Victorville, CA 92395.

Register for Social Media Workshops


Create a Winning Internet Marketing Game Plan for Your Business on April 13 at the City of San Bernardino Economic Dvlp. Agency- Board Room, 3rd Floor – 201 N. “E” St., San Bernardino, CA 92401

Register for Social Media Workshops

Get Immediate Business Results with Google Pay-Per-Click Campaigns on May 25 at Ontario Chamber of Commerce – 3200 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 130 , Ontario, CA 91764

Register for Social Media Workshops

The Right Way to Market Your Business on Facebook on June 22 at the High Desert Americas Job Center – 17310 Bear Valley Rd., Suite 109, Victorville, CA 92395

Register for Social Media Workshops


Inland Empire Small Business Development Center:

Workshops are free to attend: Sign up here

Internet Marketing Strategies on May 17 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Carnegie Cultural Center, 123 D Street, Upland 91786

Internet Marketing Strategies on June 1 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Temecula Valley Entrepreneurs Exchange, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula 92590

Internet Marketing Strategies on July 18 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Riverside County Business Center, 3403 10th Street (first floor), Riverside 92501

Internet Marketing Strategies on August 9 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, 3200 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 130 , Ontario, CA 91764

Completed 2017 Workshops:

Best Strategies for Business Blogging Success on February 16 at Ontario Chamber of Commerce – 3200 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 130 , Ontario, CA 91764

Do You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset or an Employee Mindset?

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Charlotte Clary and Beverly Vines-Haines were two grandmas who started close to thirty different businesses which all ended up failing . .  until they hit it big with Ice Chips Candy.  The world was introduced to Charlotte and Beverly when they were featured as the entrepreneurs who invented Ice Chips Candy on ABC’s hit TV show, Shark Tank.  

Beverly Vines-Haines, Charlotte Clary and Ice Chips Candy.  An Entrepreneurial Mindset.

Beverly Vines-Haines, Charlotte Clary and Ice Chips Candy

If you talk to many business owners, many of them will say, “I am unemployable.”  The reason for that is that these people who are entrepreneurial have figured out a way to make a living without becoming an employee.  They then use their time to work, and work, and work to create and test new ideas until they find the idea that will lead to their ultimate success.  Some people become successful on their first business, but most business owners who have become successful have started numerous ventures until they hit the one that makes them a success.  

The Tutoring Solution | Chino Hills, Chino, Corona, Norco, Eastvale, Southern California

The Tutoring Solution

My first business is The Tutoring Solution.  We are a local tutoring company that serves Chino, Chino Hills, Corona, Eastvale and numerous other cities in Southern California.  I learned the skills I needed to create a successful business by building and growing The Tutoring Solution.  I still own The Tutoring Solution and hired my then girlfriend and now wife, Cynthia De La Torre to become the director of the business and to manage it.  The skills I learned while building the tutoring business directly led me to starting Welborn Media, devoted toward helping passionate business owners use the Internet to become more successful.  Welborn Media has even grown to expand to include 19th Hole Media and the Defining Success Podcast.  I have been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and now I’m honing and growing my craft . . . working to make my business more successful every day.

A great example of someone who has an entrepreneurial mindset is my father-in-law who owns his own agricultural business. He grew up in Mexico and as a young boy of probably five years old, he would work to sell gum on street corners . . . his first taste of entrepreneurship.  When he came to America, he got a job at a young age in the agricultural business where he learned and cultivated his craft.  Others saw him as someone with a strong work ethic and someone who achieved results.  As a result, he was given more responsibilities and more pay until he was able to afford to purchase a piece of land where he could grow and sell ground cover at his business, DLT Growers.  His entrepreneurial mindset led him down the path towards a career in entrepreneurship and he’s constantly thinking of new ideas and new ways to grow and expand his business and even create new opportunities for others.

DLT Growers sells ground cover in Southern California

DLT Growers

Charlotte Clary and Beverly Vines-Haines are two of my favorite entrepreneurs.  For those of you that are unfamiliar with Ice Chips Candy, they are natural mints which are broken up into uneven pieces.  The way they explained it on Shark Tank, they painted the picture that they created this product in their garage and were breaking up these pieces by hand with a hammer in their home.  It’s a visual which always reminds me that becoming successful takes hard work, discipline and a willingness to get your hands dirty.  Charlotte and Beverly are a great example of entrepreneurs who fought and fought and fought until they hit it big.

There is a big difference between entrepreneurs and employees . . . the most important being in their mindset.

An entrepreneurial mindset is being someone who is constantly willing to make mistakes, learn from them and grow as a result. They are continually leaving their comfort zone, and experimenting with trial and error.  Most employees, I’ve found, are in the mindset of avoiding mistakes.  Employees who make mistakes are typically reprimanded for doing so and thus they lose some of their creativity in the process.  An entrepreneur is constantly making mistakes, failing at things and learning from them.

A Team Welborn Media Father’s Day

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Welborn Media sponsors Team Welborn Media in the Fast and Furious Bowling League at Chaparral 300 in Chino Hills. The team consists of our very own Zeb Welborn plus Larry Welborn, aka Maddog, aka Dad; Annie Welborn, aka Mom; and Rocky Welborn, aka Bro; plus Grandma, aka Coach. We could not have chosen a better team to sponsor, not only because the members of the team happen to be close to my heart, but also because they were the league winners! Just one more way Welborn Media is connected to winners.

After the official season ended our league went to sweeps in the third most visited casino and resort destination in Nevada. That’s right, exciting Laughlin. Sweeps happened to fall on Father’s Day weekend. Larry, aka Dad, is truly the heart of the team. He is clutch, our most consistent player, always putting up big numbers. At sweeps on Father’s Day weekend, we knew we had to make it special.

The team plus Coach Grandma was definitely making the trip to Laughlin, but we didn’t know for sure if I (Lacey), or Larry’s sister’s Aunt Holly and Aunt Lindra would be able to come. When the time came the whole crew made it. That plus the fact that Team Welborn Media would be presented 1st place at the Fast & Furious Bowling League awards ceremony ensured that our dad would have a great Father’s Day. Zeb had an idea to make it even better. Our gift to dad would be custom Team Welborn Media Bowling Jerseys. As the designer, I was put in charge of the task.

I wanted something that represented the spirit of the team, something that spoke to the intensity and drive they have, something that would help with one of the most important assets in head to head competition . . .intimidation. It took a while to get it just right.

I took inspiration from each player.

Larry, aka Maddog


Rocky, aka Bro


Zeb, aka president of Welborn Media


Annie, aka Momma


Grandma, aka Coach


The Final Design


We surprised dad with the jerseys just before the tournament. He loved them. He wore his jersey all weekend along with his warm smile. Dad had a wonderful time in Laughlin with his family cheering him on in the most stylish shirt he’s ever worn (well since the 70s anyway).

The Whole Gang in Laughlin

The Whole Gang in Laughlin

What do you think of the jerseys? Who is easiest to recognize?

Read about Zeb’s bowling experience, The Perfect Game.

Welborn Media and the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

At the beginning of 2012 Welborn Media joined the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce. So far we’ve attended numerous events, given a handful of helpful presentations, met so many hardworking business leaders, and Zeb has become an Ambassador for the Chamber. Recently we were brought on to redesign the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce website.

About the Chamber:

“The Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce continues to be the largest and most comprehensive business organization in the Chino Valley speaking on behalf of its member firms. Members include a mix of companies of all sizes and industries, from entrepreneurial start-up companies to large long-established business entities. The Chino Valley is indeed “Open” to business and the Chamber works to make this community a premiere place to do business.”

We were excited to get the opportunity to create a website that would be able to benefit so many people in our own community, whether it be business owners who would like an online presence, or residents looking to find out more about businesses and events in the community.

The old Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce website was difficult to update and difficult to navigate. We wanted to make sure we gave our chamber something much more useful, for chamber members and visitors to the website alike. We decided to use WordPress as a content management system in tandem with ChamberMaster, a powerful easy-to-use member management software created specifically for chambers of commerce. By keeping the design clean and modern we were able to create a site that is easy to navigate while still representing the Chino Valley. Here are some screenshots of our chamber of commerce website design:

Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Business DirectoryChino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Board of Directors
Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Events CalendarChino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Join, Sign up
Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - About the ChamberChino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Home Page

Check out the new Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce website and let us know what you think!

Click over to our Clients page and scroll to the section Website Design to see some of the other websites we’ve built.

New Website – RB Production Rentals

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

We recently completed the RB Production Rentals new website!

Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.42.57 PM Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.43.12 PM Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.43.54 PM Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.44.24 PM

We wanted to keep the vibe and feel that RB Components had already established for their Production Rentals Department on their print materials. We wanted to use large images and include galleries to really show every detail of their wonderful production trailers. Featuring the Honeywagon, the PMO, and soon, their new Wardrobe Trailers was the goal of this site.

The production trailers that RB Production Rentals manufactures include the Honeywagon and the PMO. The Honeywagon is a 53 foot long trailer with 7 talent rooms, two crew restrooms and an associate directors room.  The modern styling and high end fiberglass/aluminum steel construction make it stellar vehicle to have on set. The PMO is a 4 stall VIP restroom. Its efficient design includes more stalls, necessary for a busy production crew.  Coming soon is their Wardrobe Trailer, which is sure to be well thought out and designed and have the same high end construction.

RB Production Rentals is already at work on some of the hottest sets across the country including Califonication on Showtime, Scandal on ABC, House of Lies on Showtime, New Girl on Fox, and Justified on FX.

Check out the new website and let us know what you think!

The Defining Success Podcast with Zeb Welborn

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Everyone has dreams, but why do some people fail to become successful?

Welborn Media has set out to answer this question in our new podcast launching today . . . the Defining Success Podcast with Zeb Welborn.

The Defining Success Podcast will be an interview style format where we’ll interview people whom we consider to be successful and share their insights and expertise with all of you.  The one questions we plan on asking every interviewee is to define success to us and then share whether or not they consider themselves to be successful.  I genuinely want to understand what makes these people successful, while so many others dream of being in their shoes.

The interviewees come from all walks of life and we’re excited at the people we have as guests for our beginning episodes.  We’ve lined up interviews with world famous tennis coach, Vic Braden; Orange County Register Sports Reporter, Rich Hammond; Reality TV Blogger, Ashley Majeski; and Author and Publisher, Tamika Newhouse.  This is just the start as we have many more slated to be interviewed in the upcoming weeks including some of the biggest names in business, education and in the online marketing world.

Go to iTunes to listen to our introductory podcast, An Introducation to the Defining Success Podcast by Zeb Welborn or visit the Defining Succest Podcast page.

Special Request:

In order to make our podcast successful, we need to build exposure.  Please help us reach more people by downloading all of the episodes of the Defining Success Podcast and rating them in iTunes.  Please also share our podcast with family and friends.  Lacey and I are extremely excited about this new opportunity and we promise to provide some of the most entertaining and insightful interviews.  Thank you all for being a part of the Welborn Media family!  Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Website Design | Exploring Your Options

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

We come across people on a daily basis who are looking to build a website to promote their business or product online. Exploring your options is an important function of any business and one a business owner should take seriously when choosing a company to design their website.  There are many things that people don’t know or understand about website design and it’s our intention to help educate you on what it takes to build a functional website for your business.

Many companies have sprouted up recently, offering free websites to people who are interested in using a do-it-yourself approach to website design.  This option is great for small business owners who don’t have money to invest in designing a website; however, these websites come with many limitations.  The largest of these limitations is that the websites are made using templates. Often you cannot get colors, spacing, and content to look the way you want. This can cause frustration and disappointment. Many business owners who take this approach spend a good deal of time setting up their website and end up unhappy with the results. If you fall into this category, all is not lost. In many cases you can hire a designer to make a few adjustments that will enhance your site for minimal cost.

If you’re looking for a top-notch website that will look and act exactly as you want it to, you’ll need to hire a website designer.  Be sure to check references from any website designer you hire.  We’ve heard so many horror stories from business owners who paid someone to do their website and then they disappeared.  I can honestly say that a good deal of the people who hire us have shared a bad experience they’ve had with another website designer. Ask for some examples of their work; check to see if you like the websites they’ve done. Ask if the final product is optimized for search engines. Consider hiring a photographer. Having beautiful photos on your website can set you apart from the crowd. Plus, having high quality photos available to a website designer can provide lots of inspiration.

With Welborn Media you’ll get a completely customized website.  Every single person who has had a website designed by us has told us that the website was better than they could have ever imagined.  Our website designer, Lacey, is extremely talented when it comes to taking an individual’s/company’s website and turning it into something that’s better than our customers had envisioned.

We are members of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce and helping to make businesses successful online is our passion.  Our business will be here for a long time to come and we aren’t going anywhere.  If you’d like to see what other people have said about Welborn Media please check out our Social Media and Website Design Recommendations.

To  learn more about exploring your options, please visit The Defining Success Podcast for our interview with Kim Nelson from Daisy Cakes where she discusses the importance of exploring your options when making important business decisions.

Infographic — Welborn Media at your Golf Course

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Golf is a sport that brings friends together, away from the stresses of their everyday life, and let’s them hang out and have fun. We love working with all kinds of companies, but there’s something special about working with businesses that encourage friendship and community.

We have experienced some substantial success with Los Serranos Country Club, located in Chino Hills, CA.  During our time at Los Serranos Country Club, we updated their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and blog reaching more customers and influencing golfers to play golf at their golf course.   In 2012, Los Serranos was recognized as the CGCOA’s (California Golf Course Owners Association) 2012 Course of the Year:

“Los Serranos Country Club was recognized by the CGCOA as its 2012 Course of the Year for its dedication to the spirit of the game.  Los Serranos appeals to the highly competitive player as for more than 25 years, its courses have been qualifying sites for the Northern Trust LA Open, SCGA, SCPGA, CGA and USGA events.  Most importantly, Los Serranos reaches out to build the next generation of golfers through its various developmental programs, community outreach, and Kids Course.  The Jack Kramer family and the club staff is dedicated to its enduring legacy of Championship Golf and Gracious Hospitality since 1925.”

One of our big goals for 2013 is to help golf courses all over North America.  We’ve created a tremendous system to help bring golfers to golf courses and want to share that system with as many golf courses as possible.  As an avid player, and someone who loves golf and what it stands for, we want to be given the opportunity to help promote the game.

For us to accomplish this goal we’ve put together this information sheet that shows a glimpse of the value of social media marketing at a golf course.

Golf Courses and Social Media Marketing | Welborn Media at Your Golf Course

Welborn Media at Your Golf Course

There’s tons more information we can share to show why social media marketing is the right move for golf courses. To find more contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973 – 9089 or by email to get Welborn Media at your golf course.

You can also sign up for our monthly email newsletter which provides additional tips and advice on how to increase your online presence by filling out our Welborn Social Media Newsletter Sign Up Form.

For more information about golf courses and how golf courses can use social media to increase play and encourage golfers to play more often visit 19th Hole Media – Zeb Welborn Golf