Social Media and Online Marketing Workshops in 2017 by Welborn Media

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Zeb Welborn and Welborn Media are looking forward to another great year speaking on social media, digital marketing and online marketing workshops in 2017.

Want to learn how to write blogs, create successful email marketing campaigns, use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and other social media channels to grow your business? Want to learn a comprehensive strategy to get your business on Google? Want to learn how to manage your reputation online so your customers will choose you over your competitors?

Email Marketing to Get the Sale

Sign up for our workshops in 2017 and take your business to the next level.

San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board:

Workshops are free to attendees. 

Email Marketing to Get the Sale on March 30 at High Desert Americas Job Center – 17310 Bear Valley Rd., Suite 109, Victorville, CA 92395.

Register for Social Media Workshops


Create a Winning Internet Marketing Game Plan for Your Business on April 13 at the City of San Bernardino Economic Dvlp. Agency- Board Room, 3rd Floor – 201 N. “E” St., San Bernardino, CA 92401

Register for Social Media Workshops

Get Immediate Business Results with Google Pay-Per-Click Campaigns on May 25 at Ontario Chamber of Commerce – 3200 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 130 , Ontario, CA 91764

Register for Social Media Workshops

The Right Way to Market Your Business on Facebook on June 22 at the High Desert Americas Job Center – 17310 Bear Valley Rd., Suite 109, Victorville, CA 92395

Register for Social Media Workshops


Inland Empire Small Business Development Center:

Workshops are free to attend: Sign up here

Internet Marketing Strategies on May 17 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Carnegie Cultural Center, 123 D Street, Upland 91786

Internet Marketing Strategies on June 1 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Temecula Valley Entrepreneurs Exchange, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula 92590

Internet Marketing Strategies on July 18 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Riverside County Business Center, 3403 10th Street (first floor), Riverside 92501

Internet Marketing Strategies on August 9 from 9:00 am-12:00 pm at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, 3200 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 130 , Ontario, CA 91764

Completed 2017 Workshops:

Best Strategies for Business Blogging Success on February 16 at Ontario Chamber of Commerce – 3200 Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 130 , Ontario, CA 91764

How Donald Trump Won the Presidency with Twitter

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

“The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about.” – Oscar Wilde

Regardless of how you feel about the election results from last night, you just saw our political system go through a drastic shift.

Our President-Elect, Donald Trump, made controversial statement after controversial statement throughout the campaign and – every time – our political pundits said he was done. He would not recover.

But, he did recover.

Not only did he recover, but he continued to make more and more controversial statements and each time his influence grew.

His campaign is a testament to the new age of marketing. The power of social media.

Donald Trump’s strategy was to make sure eyes, ears and minds were on him and only him.

His strategy worked and it will work for your business.

Trump’s campaign relied on one simple premise:

“There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary.” – Brendan Behan

If you’ve ever thought to yourself social media doesn’t work, it’s a waste of time, or it can’t help to grow my business, Trump just proved you wrong. Trump used social media to persuade our country.

In a traditional campaign, any number of Trump’s controversial remarks would have doomed his run for the presidency, yet he thrived.

With each tweet, Trump defied conventional thinking and the reason it worked is because his controversial statements dominated the headlines nearly every day of the campaign election cycle. Nearly every late night talk show host, news anchor, newspaper, magazine and media outlet mentioned Trump on a daily basis.

The free press Trump received far surpassed the mentions of Hillary Clinton throughout the entire election. Whether good, or bad, Trump was on the minds of the American people and we have social media to thank.

As the results were being read last night, many pointed to the fact that this election would “rewrite the history books.” Its ramifications will reverberate throughout the future of political campaigns.

In every debate, Facebook and Twitter were mentioned – they even had a selfie spot at my polling place.

Donald Trump Social Media Strategy

Those engaging in discussions on Facebook and Twitter permeated news feeds and those who proactively supported or endorsed either candidate influenced our election.

If you’re active on social media you’re an influencer. You have the ability to persuade others to your way of thinking in today’s connected age. If your business is active on social media, you have the ability to persuade your customers to choose you over another company.

And when they choose you, you have the ability to generate a “base” of followers who will overwhelmingly support you and your brand. So much so, that they’ll take to Twitter, to Facebook and to other social channels to tell everyone just how great you are.

Do you want to succeed in our new economy? Copy Donald Trump and use social media to grow your business.

Sign up for the Welborn Media newsletter for tips and tactics  –



How to Be a Podcast Guest

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Are You Ready to Be Interviewed on a Podcast?

Do you have a message to tell? Podcasting and podcast audiences are growing all the time. Be a podcast guest and expose a whole new audience to you and your message. Plus, with some practice and thoughtfulness you can be just as interesting as a best-selling author, give more useful advice than a multi-millionaire business owner, and maybe even be funnier than a world-class comedian.

Last week, I completed my 100th interview on the Defining Success Podcast.  I started the podcast nearly two years ago and have met some amazing people through the process.  My original plan when starting the Defining Success Podcast was to share the success stories of people in a variety of professions.

Be a Podcast Guest - from Zeb Welborn of The Defining Success PodcastSuccess to me was never financial and I wanted to interview people who experienced the type of success I feel is important.  In my mind, to be successful, a person must:

  • Love what they do
  • Be good at it
  • Be helping others

Through my podcast, I’ve had some realizations about what makes a great guest. You should be a podcast guest. I’m going to walk you through how to get on a podcast, how to interview well, and how to leave a lasting impression on the audience.

How to Get on a Podcast and Be a Podcast Guest

When I started my podcast, I announced to the world(via social media) that I was starting an interview-style podcast.  Some of my firsts guests I asked personally to be a podcast guest and others were connected to me through my social media posts.  Since my initial launch, it’s become a lot easier for me to get guests for the show because now they’re pitching me to be a guest on the podcast.

To get on my show used to be pretty simple . . . you just had to ask.  Every time someone asked to be on my show I’d ask them my three basic questions:

  • Do you love what you do?
  • Are you good at it?
  • Are you helping others?

If they said yes to all three (which of course they all did) I would schedule them for an interview.

Recently, I’ve changed the format of my show to highlight a specific learnable skill, trait, or ability. We really dive deep into the material, so I’ve become much more restrictive of who I have as a guest. Having said that, I’m always looking for new guests and I know many other podcasters are too.

Here are some quick tips to use when pitching someone on why you’d be the perfect interviewee:

  • Ask to be interviewed – In many cases, all you have to do is ask.
  • Contact the host in the format that seems most appropriate to them.
    • My preferred contact points for podcast interviews are:
      • Email
      • Twitter
      • LinkedIn
    • Other contact points could be:
      • Facebook
      • Instagram
      • Telephone
      • In-Person
  • Personalize the message
    • Don’t send the same email to all podcast hosts.
      • It’s really easy to tell which emails are sent out to multiple people.  I’d recommend avoiding it if possible.
    • Do send an authentic, personalized email to each host asking to be on their show
  • Familiarize yourself with the podcast
    • Listen to an episode
    • Read the show notes
    • Share your thoughts
  • Make it easy – make it as easy as possible for a podcast host to work with you to schedule an interview. Be sure to let them know your availability upfront and what you’d like to discuss during the interview

Pro Tip:  In your pitch to be a podcast guest, give some genuine feedback about the show and you’ll increase your chances substantially.

How to Interview Well:

When I book a guest for the Defining Success Podcast, I typically have no idea what to expect.  Ultimately, I’m trying to create the best experience for the listener of the podcast so they can get as much valuable information from the interview as possible while still being entertained.

After interviewing nearly 100 guests, I’ve developed my list of things that really make an interview stand out:

  • Don’t use filler words – Everyone does it, including me but saying “um,” “like,” “you know,” and other words really distract from the interview.  Filler words tend to creep their way in when you’re either nervous, or not clear on the material you’re discussing. The good news is both of those can be corrected with practice.
  • Be conversational – Some people will over-prepare and come off as having staged answers and seem a bit robotic.  The best interviews are ones where there is an interesting rapport between the interviewer and the interviewee.
  • Be enthusiastic – Some of the worst interviews I’ve done were with people who lacked any kind of enthusiasm or passion in the topic they were discussing.  Make the interview interesting by being passionate about the topic you’re being interviewed on.
  • Don’t talk too much – Some guests get in the habit of rambling and talk too much.  The best interviews have a great back-and-forth between the guest and the interviewer. Make a point and stand by it. If it’s unclear, it’s up to the interviewer to make sure the listeners get the point.

Pro Tip: Before you start recording, have some quick, unscripted conversation.  Make sure you both feel comfortable with each other before you start the interview.

How to Leave a Lasting Impression:

Many guests on podcasts don’t have a clear call-to-action for their listeners.  A lot of times, a guest will have some really great insights and listeners will want to connect with them further but don’t know how or don’t have a compelling enough reason to. Give your listeners something compelling to make them want to connect with you after they listen to the interview.

  • Be quotable – The best guests are those that are quotable.  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve done an interview where someone starts to say something extremely profound only to cut their ideas off mid-thought.  Memorable quotes are something everyone can take away from an interview.
  • Give something away – The best thing you can do for yourself, the listeners of a podcast episode, and the host of a podcast is to give something away for free. The host will love it because you’re taking care of the audience. The audience will love it because they get something for free.  And you’ll love it because you’ll get people connected to you through your email list.
    • Make sure you can create something (a useful information-packed document) that you can give away for free before you interview on a podcast. Be sure to mention your free giveaway and how a listener can get a hold of it. Send them to your website where they can sign up for your email list in exchange for your free giveaway. ( is a great tool to get email addresses if you don’t have a system set up already)

Pro Tip: Plan out two to three quotable sentences, write them down, and read them at the appropriate time during the interview.  This will ensure your quote will have maximum impact.

If you have a message to tell, you are ready to be a podcast guest. The most important thing you can do to get your message out to the podcasting world is to start connecting with podcasters and asking to be interviewed. It’s not as hard as you think and once you get started, you’ll realize how fun it really is.

Good luck!

Interested in the Defining Success Podcast?  Sign up now to become a Defining Success Podcast Insider!

Become a Podcast Guest

Scrapbook Owner Jennifer Davis Recommends Welborn Social Media

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Welborn Social Media & Scrapbook Expo

Jennifer Davis recommends Welborn Social Media:

We hired Welborn Social Media in June 2011 to help us develop our Twitter presence and advise us on how to increase our followers on Facebook and build interaction on our page among our Facebook users.  From the very beginning, Zeb and Lacey demonstrated their passion and expertise for building a strong online presence for Scrapbook Expo.

Since starting in June, Welborn Social Media has taken our Twitter following from a couple hundred to over 5,000 followers.  According to Twellow, we are now in the top 15 of all scrapbookers on Twitter.  They started a biweekly Twitter chat called #Scrapchat which is producing some fantastic results.

After getting to know Zeb and Lacey, we have been extremely impressed with Lacey’s web design and graphic design abilities. I’ve given her projects with specific instructions and she always goes beyond my expectations. I’ve started giving her projects with minimal direction just to see what she comes up with. She’s always spot on, she understands our brand and I am a huge fan of her work.

Lastly, we have been so happy with the work Welborn Social Media is doing for us we constantly encourage our exhibitors to hire them to help develop and enhance their social media presence, design professional emails and create logos.  Every time we refer Zeb and Lacey to our exhibitors we consistently hear that not only did they do an amazing job, but they did it cheaply and timely.

We truly feel our business has improved because of Welborn Social Media and would be more than happy to provide any feedback or answer questions you might have when dealing with Welborn Social Media.  We can not recommend them highly enough and would encourage anyone looking to grow their business to hire Zeb and Lacey to build a healthy online reputation.

Grow Your Business Through Social Media

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.
Zeb Welborn Grow Your Business Through Social Media HYPE San Dimas Chamber of Commerce

Zeb Welborn Grow Your Business Through Social Media

Tonight I will be presenting at the monthly HyPE meeting through the San Dimas Chamber of Commerce. My presentation is titled, Grow Your Business through Social Media. The event will be held at The Finish Line Sports Grill in Pomona.

HyPE, Helping Young Professionals Excel, is “exclusively geared for young professionals.”  It is a program intended to help young professionals develop the necessary skills to become future business leaders

The talk will be covering a variety of topics, including discussions about websites, Google Analytics, blog writing, social media, Facebook, Twitter, building connections, analyzing online efforts, email marketing, website design, understanding SEO, Google AdWords, Yelp, reputation management, LinkedIn, personal branding, being a human, building connections, developing a higher purpose and being thankful

Listen to Zeb Welborn speak as he shares his journey of going from a teacher, to living with his parents, starting his business and eventually becoming a successful entrepreneur.  Learn how developing a higher purpose and connecting with people will help you grow your business online and in the real world

If you’re interested in attending, here’s the information for the event

“Join us for the next HyPE ”Happy Hour With A Twist” Mixer – July 25th 6pm – 8pm featuring “Grow your business through Social Media” with Zeb Welborn. HyPE is a Chamber Program exclusively geared towards new and emerging professionals. Visit for more information or call 909-592-3818Zeb Welborn speaks at Hype event on Grow Your Business through Social Media with the San Dimas Chamber of Commerce Grow Your Business Through Social Media[/caption]  

Infographic — Welborn Media at your Golf Course

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Golf is a sport that brings friends together, away from the stresses of their everyday life, and let’s them hang out and have fun. We love working with all kinds of companies, but there’s something special about working with businesses that encourage friendship and community.

We have experienced some substantial success with Los Serranos Country Club, located in Chino Hills, CA.  During our time at Los Serranos Country Club, we updated their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and blog reaching more customers and influencing golfers to play golf at their golf course.   In 2012, Los Serranos was recognized as the CGCOA’s (California Golf Course Owners Association) 2012 Course of the Year:

“Los Serranos Country Club was recognized by the CGCOA as its 2012 Course of the Year for its dedication to the spirit of the game.  Los Serranos appeals to the highly competitive player as for more than 25 years, its courses have been qualifying sites for the Northern Trust LA Open, SCGA, SCPGA, CGA and USGA events.  Most importantly, Los Serranos reaches out to build the next generation of golfers through its various developmental programs, community outreach, and Kids Course.  The Jack Kramer family and the club staff is dedicated to its enduring legacy of Championship Golf and Gracious Hospitality since 1925.”

One of our big goals for 2013 is to help golf courses all over North America.  We’ve created a tremendous system to help bring golfers to golf courses and want to share that system with as many golf courses as possible.  As an avid player, and someone who loves golf and what it stands for, we want to be given the opportunity to help promote the game.

For us to accomplish this goal we’ve put together this information sheet that shows a glimpse of the value of social media marketing at a golf course.

Golf Courses and Social Media Marketing | Welborn Media at Your Golf Course

Welborn Media at Your Golf Course

There’s tons more information we can share to show why social media marketing is the right move for golf courses. To find more contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973 – 9089 or by email to get Welborn Media at your golf course.

You can also sign up for our monthly email newsletter which provides additional tips and advice on how to increase your online presence by filling out our Welborn Social Media Newsletter Sign Up Form.

For more information about golf courses and how golf courses can use social media to increase play and encourage golfers to play more often visit 19th Hole Media – Zeb Welborn Golf

An Analysis of Zeb Welborn’s Leadership Practices | by Andrew Kramer

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

The following is a research paper written by Andrew Kramer for his Leadership in Organizations upper level course at the University of La Verne:  Zeb Welborn’s Leadership Practices

Chapter 1:  Introduction

Zeb Welborn grew up in Southern California in the beautiful city of Chino Hills.  He lived with his mother and father, brother, Rocky and his sister, Lacey.  He just recently moved out to Chino and is renting an apartment so he can have a place to get some work done.  He still maintains a good relationship with his siblings and actually has his sister running the photography for his business and building websites.  He participates frequently in marathons with his brother, Rocky and golfs regularly with his father, Larry.  Growing up, Zeb loved to play all kinds of sports.  He mainly focused on golf and soccer with soccer being his greater passion.  He played three years competitively on the golf team and still to this day plays soccer in an outdoor and indoor league.  I had the pleasure of getting to play on the same soccer team with Zeb for a full season.  I first started to notice Zeb’s leadership qualities when he became a substitute teacher at the high school I was attending at the time.  Not too long after that he became a full time history teacher at the school as well as being an assistant coach for the men’s soccer team.  It was clear that Zeb exemplified the leadership skills necessary to perform the jobs at hand.

Immediately after school Zeb attended Cal State University, Fullerton and got his degree in History, which he taught in high school.  Not too long ago he started his own business working for numerous companies managing their social media.  He named the company, Welborn Social Media, and that is how we came in contact with each other.  I work at Los Serranos Country Club where Zeb grew up playing golf and just recently made them a Facebook page in an attempt to gain exposure through advertising and keeping up with the market trends.  Zeb noticed I had created the page and together we turned in into a great project.  We got it passed by the board of directors and currently get paid to run the social media for the golf course.  This isn’t the only company that Zeb works for Scrapbook Expo, Wirespeed Systems, System 1 Interiors, Technology 4 Medicine, DLT Growers, Creative Scrapbook Source, Big Time Golf, Somerset Apartments, Krazy Kreations, Creative Minds & Visions, It’s Cheaper than Therapy and Mormino & Associates.  The number of clients continues to grow as he is experiencing success in a number of different sectors.  The duties that are expected of Zeb and his company are designing, managing, writing for and updating blogs, Facebook pages, Twitter, LinkedIn pages, YouTube pages, and Google+ pages.  also responsible for designing website, logos and promotional materials.  Zeb’s company is also responsible for managing Google AdWords campaigns and implementing strategies to increase search engine optimization including on site optimization and link building.  Zeb also creates email marketing campaigns and manages the reputation of companies on ranking websites like Yelp and Angie’s List.  These are just a few of the things that Zeb is responsible day in and day out and only a true leader can handle these kind of situations.  The needs of every company is unique, but Welborn Social Media can work with any company on any budget to help build their own brand.

Zeb uses the experience from prior jobs to lead the group of people that now work for him.  He has about four or five of us working under him and makes sure that everyone is happy with what they are doing.  Zeb uses the three-skill approach, which depends on three basic skills:  technical, human, and conceptual.  Skills are what leaders can accomplish, whereas traits are who leaders are.  I believe that after Zeb’s work in many different areas and working with many different people, he acquired the leadership skills necessary to manage people under him.  Technical skill is knowledge about and proficiency in a specific type of work or activity.  Zeb has a profound knowledge with computers and has done his research and taken courses on managing social media websites.  Human skill is knowledge about and ability to work with people.  Human skill is actually quite different from technical skill because human skills are people skills.

Chapter 2:  Leadership Practices

Leadership vs. Management

Zeb has many traits that make him a great leader.  I would definitely have to say that he is more leadership oriented than management.  A few of these traits are obviously intelligence about the field that he works for, self-confidence in the work he does, and determination to continue to make his business grow and expand.  Out of all these traits I believe that self-confidence is the most important one because it gives him the confidence and the ability to be certain about his competencies and skills.  This also includes self-esteem and self-assurance and the belief that one can make a difference.  To be a leader you must involve influencing others, and there is nothing better than feeling assured that his attempts to influence others are appropriate and right.

Relationship Orientation vs. Task Orientation

When dealing with relationships and task orientation I believe that Zeb excels in both of these subjects.  He must maintain a good relationship with his customers and people he is working with, and a good way to do this is by staying task oriented.  He gets the details from his partners on what needs to be accomplished and sets out a schedule on how to get it done in a timely manner.  I would definitely have to say that these two matters go hand in hand and are equally important.

Goal Orientation and Performance Evaluation

Zeb stays very goal oriented in the way that he stays on top of things by staying organized.  We have a clear mission of what we need to be doing and the harder we work, the more we will be rewarded.  For instance, every business that I recruit to get started under, “Welborn Social Media” I get a raise and a certain percentage of what the company pays Zeb to do.  As someone who works for Zeb this motivates me to find as many businesses that I can so I will get paid more.  This is a key factor for many businesses and leaders.  The more you reward your employees for good hard work, the more they will attempt to do the best work that they possibly can.  The more Zeb stays goal oriented, the more his business will prosper.

Control vs. Delegation

I communicate with Zeb a few times a week and we meet at least once in that week to review and see how work is coming along.  When we do get together we brainstorm and think of ways to stay innovative and on top of the current trends.  We discuss also ways to improve our marketing and advertisement, basically in a sense how to get more exposure.  We communicate via email, text messaging, and even sometimes through Facebook.

Rewards, Incentives and Punishment

Like I stated earlier, the way you will be rewarded is on how much work you are willing to get done.  There are no punishments just lessons learned.  Basically, the more work you get done and the more businesses I get to sign under the business the more i will get paid.  It is a simple process that works well because it keeps us motivated with all the incentives at hand.


Since we run a social media company most of our communication is done over the computer.  I would say that Zeb’s style of communication is passive, his social perceptiveness is the insight and awareness into how others in the organization function.  For example what is important to others, what keeps them motivated, and how they react to change.  Social perceptiveness means understanding the unique needs, goals, and demands of differences within the organization.

Chapter 3:  Analysis of Leadership Practices

The situational approach is based on the idea that the employees move forward and backward along the developmental continuum, which represents the relative competence and commitment of subordinates.  For leaders to be effective using the situational approach, it is essential that they determine where subordinates are on the developmental continuum and adapt their leadership styles so they directly match their style to that developmental level.  “Once the leader has identified the correct developmental level, the second task is to adapt his style to the prescribed leadership.  This is the one-to-one relationship between the developmental level of subordinates.” (Northouse 93) Some strengths of using the situational approach is that it is recognized as a standard for training leaders.  It is also a very practical approach, which means that it is easily understood and easily applied.  The situational approach sets forth a clear set of prescriptions for how leaders should act if they want to enhance their leadership effectiveness.  This approach also recognizes and stresses that there is not one best style of leadership, instead leaders need to be flexible and adapt their style to the requirements of the situations.  When in regards to the five major leadership theories, the one that stand out to me are of course the situational approach, the transformational approach, and team leadership.  Transformational approach of course has a strong emphasis on followers’ needs, values, and morals.  This kind of leadership involves attempts by leaders to move followers to higher standards of moral responsibility.  This type of leadership sets it apart from the other four styles because it has a moral dimension.  A leader very similar to the transformational approach is called servant leadership.  This leadership emphasizes that leaders should be attentive ot the concerns of their followers and would emphasize with them, they would take care of them and nurture them.” (Northouse 385)

Leadership Style of the Leader

I would say the best kind of approach to describe the leadership style of Zeb would have to be team leadership.  Zeb excels through the people that are working for him.  Therefore, he must use team leadership to coach his team members in interpersonal skills.  Collaborate with others by including and involving his team members in discussions.  Using team leadership one must manage conflict and power issues while avoiding confrontation and questioning ideas.  Build commitment by being optimistic, innovative, envisioning, socializing, rewarding, and recognizing other peoples achievements.  Lastly, to excel at team leadership you must satisfy the individual needs of the members you are working with by trusting, supporting, and advocating them.  You model your ethics by your principled practices by being fair, consistent and lastly, normative.


The organizations goals go hand in hand with the compatibility of Zeb’s leadership style and practices.  The goal of the organization is to get as many clients to start using, “Welborn Social Media” and once we have them to perform everything we possibly can to satisfy their needs.  At this time I have no recommendations for Zeb because his business is growing at such a rapid pace that I do not know what else he can be doing.  If I did have one thing to say I would think that we should maybe get together more than just once a week to have a weekly report on how things are going.  Sometimes I feel a little bit lost on what is going on or what we should be doing so maybe meet twice a week.

Chapter 4:  Analysis of Leadership Practices:  Delegation and Developmental Levels

Necessary Conditions for Effective Delegation

According to leadership styles I believe the most effective way for developmental levels is that there must be high commitment and high supportive behavior.  In order for the sufficient amount of work to be completed an employee must stay committed and dedicated to the amount of work level he is inputting.  Zeb encourages to stay committed to the mission within the organization.  In this sense, Zeb uses the supporting approach that requires him to take a high supportive – low directive style.  “The leader should not focus exclusively on goals but uses support behaviors that bring out the employee’s skills around the task to be accomplished.”  (Northouse 93) This includes listening, praising, asking for input, and giving feedback.

Developmental Levels of the Followers

At this point in time the amount of employees are at a minimum so I would have to say that the levels are still in the developmental stage.  D2 would probably be the most accurate description because it is still moderately low.

Delegation Practice of the Leader

The way Zeb delegates his tasks and responsibilities is by creating the sky is the limit approach.  By saying this, I mean that he does not delegate many responsibilities to his followers because it is up to them to do as much work as they want.  There is always room for growth in the type of business we are in so you get as much work done as you want to in a sense.  But the more work you do accomplish, the more you will be rewarded.


The delegation practice that Zeb uses is very compatible to the developmental levels of the followers.  Everything is still in the developmental process, but the business continues to grow at a steady pace so he must be doing something right.  It has been a great learning experience to work with a true leader like Zeb and be part of a wonderful company with a passion to excel.


At this point in time I have no real recommendations besides the one I stated earlier.  Scheduling meetings has been quite difficult with how busy things are so maybe just set a time that we can meet on a weekly basis.  In other words, the level of communication must begin to increase as the company continues to expand.

Chapter 5:  Conclusion

After writing this paper I realize that I am working with a genuine leader that I can take many thing away from . . . not only in the business world, but in every day life.  The way Zeb works with people is truly the proper approach and getting to see it first hand is a blessing.  Working with Zeb was a life changing experience because I can now apply the lessons I learned from his leadership qualities and apply them in every aspect of my life.  I plan to practice the same approach that Zeb uses because I have seen first hand on how it functions and the results have been good.


Would you like to learn more about Zeb Welborn’s leadership practices?  Visit some other sites created by Zeb Welborn – 19th Hole Media created to help golf courses get more customers and the Defining Success Podcast created to change the way we think about success.