Super Simple Secrets to Business Blog Writing Success

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

My first website launched in 2010. I remember the feeling of excitement as my business could now be found on the world wide web by customers all over the world.

I imagined the phone ringing off the hook, more customers than I could handle and making my first million by the end of the year.

My sister and business partner, Lacey built The Tutoring Solution website. Fortunately for me she installed Google Analytics so we could track exactly how many visitors we had coming to our website.

The Tutoring Solution Business Blog Writing

At the end of the week, I saw my website had three visitors – likely my Mom, Dad and brother.

The harsh reality set in – this was going to take more work than I thought.

I heard blog writing could help get your website ranking in the search engines so I committed myself to writing a blog post every day for six months.

My website starting showing up in the search engines, my phone began ringing off the hook, I took on more customers than I could handle and while not yet a millionaire, my businesses have averaged 50% growth over the last seven years.

Since that first website, Lacey and I have set up, built and executed blogs for ourselves, for companies we represent and helped new business bloggers get started with theirs.

Blog Writing by the Numbers:

Blog writing has grown my business, but it’s also become a critical tool for businesses large and small.

A good metric to determine the importance of blogging in the global marketplace is to see where marketers are spending their time, efforts and money.

In surveys conducted with marketers by Social Media Examiner, The Content Marketing Institute, Gartner and Socialeemedia, they found:

  • 45% of marketers say blogging is their #1 most important content strategy
  • 70% of business to business (B2B) marketers plan to create more content in 2017 than 2016
  • 28% of marketers have reduced their advertising budget to fund more digital marketing
  • Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to realize a positive ROI

In terms of making purchasing decisions marketing companies Stratabeat and Lenati found that:

  • 80% of business decision makers prefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an advertisement
  • 67% of the typical B2B journey is now done digitally
  • 90% of B2B buyers say online content has a moderate to major effect on their purchasing decisions

Marketers and decision-makers both agree about the importance of online content in the sales cycle. To thrive in today’s environment, a digital marketing campaign is critical.

Learn why having a business blog is important, how to get it started, how to create content, and how to make money from it.

Sign up for the Welborn Media email newsletter to receive our upcoming blog posts about:

  • Why Having a Business Blog is Important
  • How to Start Your Business Blog
  • How to Make Money from Blog Writing

On Thursday, Feb. 16 Zeb Welborn from Welborn Media will be speaking through the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce sharing his Super Simple Secrets to Blog Writing Success. If you miss this engagement, Zeb Welborn will continue to speak throughout 2017 on how to run successful digital marketing campaigns for your business.

You can sign up for these free business workshops here – 2017 Social Media Marketing Workshops.

Super Simple Secrets to Blog Writing Success

Leave comments below: Have you thought about writing a blog, but haven’t started yet? What’s holding you back? Do you have a blog online? What is the url of your blog so we can check it out? Do you have any questions about blog writing?

New Website – RB Production Rentals

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

We recently completed the RB Production Rentals new website!

Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.42.57 PM Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.43.12 PM Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.43.54 PM Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.44.24 PM

We wanted to keep the vibe and feel that RB Components had already established for their Production Rentals Department on their print materials. We wanted to use large images and include galleries to really show every detail of their wonderful production trailers. Featuring the Honeywagon, the PMO, and soon, their new Wardrobe Trailers was the goal of this site.

The production trailers that RB Production Rentals manufactures include the Honeywagon and the PMO. The Honeywagon is a 53 foot long trailer with 7 talent rooms, two crew restrooms and an associate directors room.  The modern styling and high end fiberglass/aluminum steel construction make it stellar vehicle to have on set. The PMO is a 4 stall VIP restroom. Its efficient design includes more stalls, necessary for a busy production crew.  Coming soon is their Wardrobe Trailer, which is sure to be well thought out and designed and have the same high end construction.

RB Production Rentals is already at work on some of the hottest sets across the country including Califonication on Showtime, Scandal on ABC, House of Lies on Showtime, New Girl on Fox, and Justified on FX.

Check out the new website and let us know what you think!

Infographic — Welborn Media at your Golf Course

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Golf is a sport that brings friends together, away from the stresses of their everyday life, and let’s them hang out and have fun. We love working with all kinds of companies, but there’s something special about working with businesses that encourage friendship and community.

We have experienced some substantial success with Los Serranos Country Club, located in Chino Hills, CA.  During our time at Los Serranos Country Club, we updated their Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and blog reaching more customers and influencing golfers to play golf at their golf course.   In 2012, Los Serranos was recognized as the CGCOA’s (California Golf Course Owners Association) 2012 Course of the Year:

“Los Serranos Country Club was recognized by the CGCOA as its 2012 Course of the Year for its dedication to the spirit of the game.  Los Serranos appeals to the highly competitive player as for more than 25 years, its courses have been qualifying sites for the Northern Trust LA Open, SCGA, SCPGA, CGA and USGA events.  Most importantly, Los Serranos reaches out to build the next generation of golfers through its various developmental programs, community outreach, and Kids Course.  The Jack Kramer family and the club staff is dedicated to its enduring legacy of Championship Golf and Gracious Hospitality since 1925.”

One of our big goals for 2013 is to help golf courses all over North America.  We’ve created a tremendous system to help bring golfers to golf courses and want to share that system with as many golf courses as possible.  As an avid player, and someone who loves golf and what it stands for, we want to be given the opportunity to help promote the game.

For us to accomplish this goal we’ve put together this information sheet that shows a glimpse of the value of social media marketing at a golf course.

Golf Courses and Social Media Marketing | Welborn Media at Your Golf Course

Welborn Media at Your Golf Course

There’s tons more information we can share to show why social media marketing is the right move for golf courses. To find more contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973 – 9089 or by email to get Welborn Media at your golf course.

You can also sign up for our monthly email newsletter which provides additional tips and advice on how to increase your online presence by filling out our Welborn Social Media Newsletter Sign Up Form.

For more information about golf courses and how golf courses can use social media to increase play and encourage golfers to play more often visit 19th Hole Media – Zeb Welborn Golf

Is It Legal to Post Photos From Google Images On My Facebook Page? | by Noe Gaytan

Photo Credit: MikeBlogs on Flickr

If there is one thing that I have learned from working with social media, it’s that people love photos. Just look at the countless image sharing web sites that have popped up such as Instagram and Flickr. Almost every good article that you will come across on the internet will also include a picture. When we make Facebook posts for our clients, we always get more Shares and Likes if we include an image. For whatever reason, people are just naturally drawn to visuals. So when the need for photographs arises, many people look to Google Images and don’t think twice about posting it on their Facebook. While this may be morally or socially acceptable to do on a personal page, there are deeper legal and ethical implications when doing this on a business page.

There is a term in law known as “the three a.m. stoplight”. If you pull up to a red light at three in the morning, and there are no cars around, is it illegal to run it? The answer is yes, it is illegal. However, chances are you won’t get caught so most people choose to take that risk. The same applies to sharing images on the internet. If I were to take a photo from somebody’s blog and post it on my Facebook page without proper attribution, I would be infringing on their copyright. Internet culture has evolved so that most people don’t really consider copyrights. We choose to run that red light because, hey what are the chances that blogger is going to happen upon my Facebook page, right? Most people may choose to take that risk with their own personal accounts. But business owners with their reputation on the line will certainly think twice about it.

Luckily, there are ways around this. So you think that picture of the cute kitten would be perfect to post and show your followers? Well you can get permission the old fashioned way: just ask nicely. Wherever the image originated from, you might be able to contact the owner. However, since the internet is a share-happy place, the post you find might be a re-post of a re-post of a re-post, and the person you try contacting may not be the proper copyright holder. In that case, it would be safer not to use the image. Another approach is to specifically search for “free to use” images. These can easily be filtered through an advanced search on most image databases. In most cases you will be required to properly attribute the work by including a link or naming the author. There are even ways to shorten the URL and make the link less intrusive.

Many people look to Google Images to find pictures because it is what they are most familiar with. But the question “Is it legal to post photos from Google Images on my Facebook Page?” Google Images is a search service that compiles images but it is not a database. Any image found through Google Images is coming from a separate site. It would be that site that holds the copyright. There are other web sites that ARE media libraries where you can find photos and videos, often for a price. Getty, AP, and Reuters are the top paid sources. Flickr is an excellent place for finding free to use images.

If you come across an image you want to share, you can take one of two approaches. The first option is to share the link. You can do this by copy and pasting the URL onto your Facebook status, or by clicking on a “Share” or “Like” button that might be on the page. Each one is formatted differently on Facebook, so try both and see which you like better. Or, you can upload the image yourself and be include as part of your post something like “Image by MikeBlogs on Flickr”. Nobody wants to get into a messy copyright infringement situation. But business owners should not let that keep them from sharing images. If you use the proper tools embedded on to most sites, then you are sure to be safe. That is why the share button exists. Social media is all about sharing. Just remember to play nice and give credit where credit is due.

A Content Marketing Hub Every Marketer Must Have | by Niveen Salem

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Niveen Salem – Elite Marketing Secrets

A Content Marketing Hub Every Marketer Must Have

What is a content marketing hub every marketer must have?

Sonia Simone, an author and one of Copyblogger’s co-founders calls it a “content hub – a centerpiece for your content marketing”. You probably figured it out. Yes, it’s a blog!

What is a Blog?

A blog is a online educational center about your business based on value offered. In marketing terms, it’s called attraction marketing. It’s simply your real estate piece of land on the internet. It’s a place to interact with your potential customers. But before you start a blog you need to understand your audience. This will stem from having a strong niche. Only then you’ll be able to research their problems, issues and concerns and help them find the solutions through writing a content marketing strategy about the problems. It’s the foundation of all social media tools.

But, wait a second: I thought social media is Twitter and Facebook?

Social media outlets are great to start a conversation but ultimately you want to bring your visitors back to your home base – your blog. Creating a social media marketing plan for your blog is essential in promoting your content. Here comes the importance of all social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube and Pinterest.

Why Blogging – 10 Benefits to Start your Own Blog?

  1. Thought Leader: When you blog you’re perceived as a thought leader and an expert in your industry or niche. People will start coming to you for questions, concerns and problems that they need answers for. It creates a conversation rather than a one way monologue.
  2. Trusted Source: When providing valuable content in your blog, your readers will build a trust relationship with you which turns into a lead and a lead turns into a sale.
  3. Blogging Sharpens Your Saw: When you’re blogging regularly, you’re forced to read and educate yourself about your industry. Eventually you’ll become more informed and educated than your competitors. Your presentations will become better, your problem solving abilities and skills will enhance and your tool and resource systems will grow. You’ll simply become a better teacher who have an answer to every question. All this from blogging!
  4. Freedom: A blog gives you an incredible amount of freedom where no one can tell you what to promote or not. You have total control over your content and your audience. No one has the right to flag your content as inappropriate or decide suddenly to cancel your Facebook Fan Page or delete your LinkedIn group discussions. One of my LinkedIn group discussions was suddenly deleted after reaching 42 comments in a few days!
  5. You have 100% control over the look, design and functionality of your site
  6. Blogging Traffic: Statistics show that blogging creates 55% more traffic and visitors to companies. Source: Hubspot.
  7. Build a Tribe: Blogging creates a tribe of followers, fans, readers and build relations with potential customers
  8. Your blog is a great way to generate leads. You can always make money blogging by monetizing your blog if you’re in the affiliate marketing industry
  9. You can include many sources of content marketing in your blog (not only writing) – such as a video or a podcast.
  10. By 2013, it is projected that 128 million people in the US will be blog readers. Source: MyMarketingDept.

There are 100’s of other statistics that you can search online to find out more benefits of blogging.

How to Create a Blog?

Nowadays creating a blog became a very simple process as 1, 2, 3:

  1. You need to choose and create a domain name
  2. Then create a web hosting account
  3. Then use a simple WordPress blog theme

How to Blog?

I know the objection as I was there before you: ” But I’m not a writer! What am I going to write about?” There are 5 reasons why you can become a killer blogger. How to blog is very simple once you follow these steps:

1. Write about your passion
2. Offer valuable dynamic content and avoid putting your readers to sleep with these 6 ways.
3. Use marketing tactics and strategies when writing a blog post. Here are 3 valuable tactics:

  • Be the Resource Your Customers Really Need
  • Answer the Unanswered Questions
  • Find the Questions Your Customers are Asking

4. You’ll always need to improve your blog post using these 5 tips

  • Plan your blog post before you start writing
  • Give examples of how and what to do, not only why
  • Always end your post with a call to action
  • Edit your title, introduction and conclusion
  • Use easy formatting

5. Content curation is a well known concept in blogging which allows you to write a blog post about something you’ve read online. THE RULE is to refer to the author’s name and article link in your post. When I first started blogging on my blog – Elite Marketing Secrets – I used this method a lot until I was able to create my own content.

6. You can find blogging ideas to create your own content using these sources:

  • Other blogs (curating content)
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Movies
  • TV
  • Forums
  • Friends
  • Real life story
  • Success / failure stories
  • Google
  • Social media
  • Reviews
  • Interviews
  • Best of…..
  • How to…..
  • Case studies
  • Solve a problem
  • Your blog comments

7. Humanize or personalize your blog posts with your personality. Nothing is more boring than reading a blog post on a certain subject without feeling the author’s personality involved in the post. Mention your experiences, likes, dislikes, others experiences or stories. Storytelling is the #1 reason for grabbing your audience attention. It’s key in content marketing. If you master storytelling, then you mastered marketing and that is what 99.99% of marketers lack.

8. Here are a few more good blogging practices and tips:

  • Be consistent
  • Be organized
  • Be specific
  • Make it about your audience not about you (be interested not interesting)
  • Write a compelling headline
  • Engage your readers
  • Respond to your comments
  • Promote your content
  • Optimize your post
  • Join a blogging community
  • Share your expertise and others

Free Blogging Book

I’d like to offer a free blogging book here as an added value. Inside the book, you’ll discover how to blog your way to the top of your home business organization. The concepts in this book can be applied on any business.

Click here to get your free blogging book from Elite Marketing Secrets

To Your Success,
Niveen Salem

David Kramer Recommends Welborn Social Media | Senior Vice President at Los Serranos Country Club

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

David Kramer recommends Welborn Social Media – We began working for Los Serranos Country Club in July, 2008 and have helped foster a thriving online community for golfers who play golf in Southern California and at Los Serranos.  With over 2,500 Facebook fans, over 5,500 Twitter followers, over 100 YouTube videos and over 300 blog posts we have established and maintained an active and vibrant online community.

When I announced my presentation at the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce entitled, “How Social Media Can Benefit Any Business,” David Kramer, Senior Vice President at Los Serranos Country Club had these words of encouragement for me:

“We’re in a communications economy where story telling i.e. subjective narrative brings educational value i.e. that has transformational value. Transformation towards health, happiness, easiness and orderliness on all levels of life.  If that value is missing from what a business performs then what is the point?   Certainly not just money$$.

Social media is a reflection of advanced artistry and brain functioning. It’s a vehicle that expands the territory of influence.  It makes everyone more effective and affluent in what they know and how they learn to know.”

David Kramer recommends Welborn Social Media and Los Serranos Country Club has seen the benefits of a thriving online community through the use of social media.  His statements regarding the impact social media can have on any business is simple, yet profound.  We are living in a communications economy, our collective knowledge is growing and those who have the passion to achieve their dreams have a far greater ability to do so than ever before.

Thank you David Kramer for all your encouragement and support . . . it is an absolute pleasure to work for Los Serranos Country Club.

Los Serranos Country Club is located in Chino Hills, CA.  For Southern California golf there is no greater golfing destination.  Please check out the Los Serranos Blog Page, the Los Serranos Facebook Page and the Los Serranos Twitter Page to see some of our work and to connect with Los Serranos Golf & Country Club.

David Kramer Recommends Welborn Social Media

David Kramer and the Kramer Family


Thank you David Kramer for the kind words.  To learn more about Welborn Social Media, Zeb Welborn and golf, visit 19th Hole Media.  At 19th Hole Media we provide tips and advice on how to help golf courses grow using social media.

David Kramer also appeared on the Defining Success Podcast with Zeb Welborn where he shares his insights on business and how to grow your business using friendliness and hospitality.