Welborn Media’s Top Ten List of 2015

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

At the end of the year, the Welborn Media team gets together to reflect on our successes and failures throughout the year. This meeting gives us an opportunity to fine-tune our direction and set new goals for the upcoming year.  These are the Top 10 things we accomplished in 2015.

Top 10 of 2015

10. Share Your Passion Scholarships

scholarshipsSince starting the Share Your Passion Scholarships in 2012, we’ve awarded scholarships to 17 deserving students. We have kept in contact with many scholarship winners and are still inspired by them. They continue to work towards following their passions and helping better the lives of others. This year we awarded 3 Share Your Passion Scholarships and gave out our first Student of the Year Scholarship Award to one of the hardest working students at The Tutoring Solution.

9. TV Appearance

11080661_10206382881436017_7712058961091484299_oZeb appeared on the Golf Life Video Channel for Fox Sports WEST. It was pretty darn cool to get on television.

8. Joined the Rotary Club

10984121_10154042856538840_6714998264776580589_nZeb was inducted into the Chino Rotary Club by Melinda Robbins, Dale Bright, and Steven Bremer. The Chino Rotary Club has been serving the Chino Valley since 1925. San Bernardino County Supervisor Curt Hagman spoke and my wife, Cindy, mom, Annie, and dad, Larry were all in attendance.

7. Speaking Engagements

zeb-speaking zeb-at-NGCOAOne of the things we enjoy most is educating others on growing their business. This year Zeb spoke with the San Bernardino County Workforce Investment Board, the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center, the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce, Baldy View ROP, Small Business Summit, the California Golf Course Owners Association and the Golf Inc. Summit.

Topics for Zeb’s Speaking Engagements were:

  • Internet Marketing Strategies
  • Marketing with Facebook
  • How to Turn Your Business Into a Social Business
  • Marketing with LinkedIn
  • Marketing with Twitter
  • Social Media for Golf Courses
  • Innovative Marketing Tactics for Public Courses

6. #GolfChat

At the beginning of this year Zeb started #GolfChat. #GolfChat is a Twitter chat which happens every Tuesday at 5PM PST where some of the greatest minds in the golf industry come together to talk golf. #GolfChat has grown drastically since the beginning of the year and is a trending topic on Twitter every Tuesday. We’ve met so many amazing and passionate people working to grow golf.  A highlight of #GolfChat in 2015 was when professional golfer, Natalie Gulbis surprised #GolfChatters by giving away free tickets to the U.S. Open at Chambers Bay Golf Course.

5. Awards and Accolades

Screen Shot 2015-12-29 at 11.10.01 AMIt’s always nice to be recognized for the hard work you do. This year we were extremely grateful to receive a few unexpected awards:

4. Southern California Charity Golf Classic

11207321_10101061535855630_6436920246785791462_nWe hosted the 1st Annual Southern California Charity Golf Classic to raise money for several worthy charities on July 17 at Los Serranos Country Club.

With help from many in our community, the tournament helped raise $7,597.81 for charity.

We distributed the money to several charities including: Bark for Life, Boys Republic, California Scholastic Press Association, Chino Rotary, Corona Firefighters Benevolent Fund, House of Ruth, The Let It Be Foundation, Salvation Army, Share Your Passion Scholarship, and the Wounded Warrior Project.

We had such a great time with this, we’re planning on running it again in 2016!

3. Chairman of the Board at the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce

11755429_1665688123649805_2385826912900505227_nOn July 27, Zeb was installed as Chairman of the Board for the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce.

Becoming the Chairman of the Board has given Zeb an opportunity to help make local business owners more successful.

During his term of office, he set five goals to work towards in 2015/2016:

  • connect and work with other local business-related organizations
  • collaborate more with organizations that work to educate business owners
  • encourage and promote the involvement of young business owners in our community
  • enhance our use of technology
  • focus more on giving back

2. Lacey Gets Married

11934520_10101096973568170_4628964527126702956_o10339951_10208018878287700_1976316121632257612_nIn August this year Lacey got married to Ryan Bernholtz at a fun wedding in Santa Ana, CA.

In June, Lacey’s twin brother, Rocky married Megan Hutchinson at a beautiful wedding in Corona, CA.

Truly a notable year for the Welborn Family and there was another addition to family this year…

#1. Birth of Sebastian Welborn-De La Torre

monsterbashSebastian Welborn-De La Torre was born on Friday, November 13th at 9:52pm in Ontario at 8 pounds, 9 ounces.

Sebastian is a happy, healthy, and super cute baby.

Zeb says it’s awesome being a dad.


Thank you all for everything!  We hope you all have an amazing 2016.

Sign up for our email list to become a part of Welborn Media in 2016 – http://eepurl.com/snLLH

2013 Chino Hills Business of The Year | Welborn Social Media

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Welborn Social Media named the 2013 Chino Hills Business of the Year by the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce!

Last Friday night, June 28, I went to the 2013 Installation & Awards Dinner for the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce. I was already looking forward to the evening because it would be my first event as a member of the Chino Valley Chamber Board of Directors, but I had no idea how amazing I would feel at the end of the night.

Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce 2013 Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year Award Presented to the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce

2013 Chino Business of the Year Award

While at the Planes of Fame Museum in Chino for the event I thought back over the last few years.

My sister, Lacey and I founded Welborn Social Media in 2011 while we were both living at our parents house. Before that I was running my Chino Valley tutoring company, The Tutoring Solution. It was there that I encountered business owners and found they were not what I expected (greedy and self-interested people who only care about money). Instead they were people who loved what they did and were simply trying to help others.

Before that, as an educator, I felt discouraged at the lack of drive and motivation in my students. My mind began forming a theory that our societal problems stem from a lack of passion and excitement in a person’s professional life.

Our goal at Welborn Media has been shaped by these experiences. We want to help business owners who are passionate and love what they do. Why? Because, if we can help them be successful more people will try to emulate them. In our opinion, the world will be a better place if there are more people who love what they do, are good at it, and are willing to help others.

Joining the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce in January, 2012 was an easy choice: it aligned with our mission.  Through the Chamber, Lacey and I have met some phenomenal people . . . all hard-working and all willing to help others.

Since then we have developed some strong relationships. We have been managing the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Facebook page and have worked with friends of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce: Rodell & Company, ABC Services, Alba Moesser, Los Serranos Country Club, Gotcha Covered, Beltone Hearing Aids, and Kardar Insurance.

At the end of 2012, the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce selected us to build their new website which was completed a few months ago. We have received so many complements on the new website. I know they are happy they chose us for the project.

When we decided to become a part of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce we knew it would allow us to help businesses in our community grow. If we can help our passionate local business owners use the Internet more effectively then the people and businesses in our area will thrive. We want to introduce local businesses to the online opportunities available to them, and show them how they can maximize their efforts by developing a strong online presence for their business.

At the end of the Installation & Awards dinner the final award of the night went to the 2013 Business of the Year. Debbie Mitsch, the newly sworn in president, began, “This business started in 2011 and is very big in the social media world…” She announced “Welborn Social Media” as the 2013 Chino Hills Business of the Year. I was shocked.

There are so many successful, vibrant businesses… it is truly an honor. We are so very thankful the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce feels we were worthy of such an award.

My sister and I still have a lot of work to do to turn Welborn Media into the company we both know it can be. It’s a tremendous feeling to have others recognize the efforts and strides we have made as well as see the potential we have.

It’s amazing to see how supportive others in our community have been to us and how quickly our business has grown. Thank you to every person who had a hand in our selection as the 2013 Chino Hills Business of the Year.

Thank You!

Zeb Welborn

A Team Welborn Media Father’s Day

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Welborn Media sponsors Team Welborn Media in the Fast and Furious Bowling League at Chaparral 300 in Chino Hills. The team consists of our very own Zeb Welborn plus Larry Welborn, aka Maddog, aka Dad; Annie Welborn, aka Mom; and Rocky Welborn, aka Bro; plus Grandma, aka Coach. We could not have chosen a better team to sponsor, not only because the members of the team happen to be close to my heart, but also because they were the league winners! Just one more way Welborn Media is connected to winners.

After the official season ended our league went to sweeps in the third most visited casino and resort destination in Nevada. That’s right, exciting Laughlin. Sweeps happened to fall on Father’s Day weekend. Larry, aka Dad, is truly the heart of the team. He is clutch, our most consistent player, always putting up big numbers. At sweeps on Father’s Day weekend, we knew we had to make it special.

The team plus Coach Grandma was definitely making the trip to Laughlin, but we didn’t know for sure if I (Lacey), or Larry’s sister’s Aunt Holly and Aunt Lindra would be able to come. When the time came the whole crew made it. That plus the fact that Team Welborn Media would be presented 1st place at the Fast & Furious Bowling League awards ceremony ensured that our dad would have a great Father’s Day. Zeb had an idea to make it even better. Our gift to dad would be custom Team Welborn Media Bowling Jerseys. As the designer, I was put in charge of the task.

I wanted something that represented the spirit of the team, something that spoke to the intensity and drive they have, something that would help with one of the most important assets in head to head competition . . .intimidation. It took a while to get it just right.

I took inspiration from each player.

Larry, aka Maddog


Rocky, aka Bro


Zeb, aka president of Welborn Media


Annie, aka Momma


Grandma, aka Coach


The Final Design


We surprised dad with the jerseys just before the tournament. He loved them. He wore his jersey all weekend along with his warm smile. Dad had a wonderful time in Laughlin with his family cheering him on in the most stylish shirt he’s ever worn (well since the 70s anyway).

The Whole Gang in Laughlin

The Whole Gang in Laughlin

What do you think of the jerseys? Who is easiest to recognize?

Read about Zeb’s bowling experience, The Perfect Game.

Welborn Media and the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

At the beginning of 2012 Welborn Media joined the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce. So far we’ve attended numerous events, given a handful of helpful presentations, met so many hardworking business leaders, and Zeb has become an Ambassador for the Chamber. Recently we were brought on to redesign the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce website.

About the Chamber:

“The Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce continues to be the largest and most comprehensive business organization in the Chino Valley speaking on behalf of its member firms. Members include a mix of companies of all sizes and industries, from entrepreneurial start-up companies to large long-established business entities. The Chino Valley is indeed “Open” to business and the Chamber works to make this community a premiere place to do business.”

We were excited to get the opportunity to create a website that would be able to benefit so many people in our own community, whether it be business owners who would like an online presence, or residents looking to find out more about businesses and events in the community.

The old Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce website was difficult to update and difficult to navigate. We wanted to make sure we gave our chamber something much more useful, for chamber members and visitors to the website alike. We decided to use WordPress as a content management system in tandem with ChamberMaster, a powerful easy-to-use member management software created specifically for chambers of commerce. By keeping the design clean and modern we were able to create a site that is easy to navigate while still representing the Chino Valley. Here are some screenshots of our chamber of commerce website design:

Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Business DirectoryChino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Board of Directors
Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Events CalendarChino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Join, Sign up
Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - About the ChamberChino Valley Chamber of Commerce Website - Home Page

Check out the new Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce website and let us know what you think!

Click over to our Clients page and scroll to the section Website Design to see some of the other websites we’ve built.

New Website – RB Production Rentals

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

We recently completed the RB Production Rentals new website!

Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.42.57 PM Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.43.12 PM Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.43.54 PM Screen shot 2013-05-21 at 12.44.24 PM

We wanted to keep the vibe and feel that RB Components had already established for their Production Rentals Department on their print materials. We wanted to use large images and include galleries to really show every detail of their wonderful production trailers. Featuring the Honeywagon, the PMO, and soon, their new Wardrobe Trailers was the goal of this site.

The production trailers that RB Production Rentals manufactures include the Honeywagon and the PMO. The Honeywagon is a 53 foot long trailer with 7 talent rooms, two crew restrooms and an associate directors room.  The modern styling and high end fiberglass/aluminum steel construction make it stellar vehicle to have on set. The PMO is a 4 stall VIP restroom. Its efficient design includes more stalls, necessary for a busy production crew.  Coming soon is their Wardrobe Trailer, which is sure to be well thought out and designed and have the same high end construction.

RB Production Rentals is already at work on some of the hottest sets across the country including Califonication on Showtime, Scandal on ABC, House of Lies on Showtime, New Girl on Fox, and Justified on FX.

Check out the new website and let us know what you think!

New Website Design! Our Saviour’s Children’s Center

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Welborn Media created a brand new website for Our Saviour’s Children’s Center located in Orange, CA.

We wanted to create a playful website that showcased the fun and caring environment at Our Saviour’s Children’s Center. The wonderful childcare provided here to kids in Orange, Garden Grove, Anaheim, Santa Ana, Tustin and other Orange County Cities is enriching lives. Encouraging all the children to grow spiritually, cognitively, emotionally, socially and physically from infants only 6 weeks old through kids in pre-kindergarten.

Home Page Design - Our Saviour's Children's CenterGallery Page Design | Our Saviour's Children's CenterEvents Page Design | Our Saviour's Children's CenterFooter Design | Our Saviour's Children's Center

Some of the highlights of the day care program are field trips, a Christmas program, weekly Spanish classes for 3s and 4s, Grandparents’/Loved Ones’ Day, Winter Fun Day, Thanksgiving Feast, Parents’ Night Out, Daddy & Me, and Mommy & Me. They even have Webby Dance and gymnastics as well as Soccer Shots available at this child care center.

The goal of the center and their curriculum is to eliminate stereotyping and discriminatory behavior based on gender, physical attributes, socio-economic position, race or ethnicity. Cooperation, understanding and compassion are modeled by staff and encouraged in the children.

At Welborn Media we are proud to have worked on this site for such a wonderful local business with a caring licensed staff. Please check out the website, take a look at the childcare events and the photos that show the playground, the large outdoor areas, swing set, track path, colorful kids play room, and the babies room.

If you’re interested in getting a new website, like Our Saviour’s Children’s Center, contact us to find out about our website design process and about how we can create a custom website for your business.

Email Lacey@WelbornMedia.com

Social Media is the Preferred Marketing for Everyone!

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Direct mail, radio commercials, television commercials, billboards, flashing web advertisements, pop-up ads, and horribly timed telemarketing phone calls are all forms of marketing most people find extremely annoying. They are intrusions in our lives — always interrupting. They’re not like social media marketing. The biggest difference between this kind of marketing and social media marketing is that people get to pick and choose which social media messages they receive.

On Facebook you choose which pages you like, on Twitter you pick who you follow, when it comes to blogs you pick which ones you read. Social media allows you to subscribe to messages for the products and services you actually want to hear about.

Marketing your business to only those that want to receive your message at times during their day when they’re able to take in your message is more effective and less expensive than other forms of marketing. There are two forms of marketing, inbound and outbound. Inbound marketing is any form of marketing that helps you get found by potential customers. Outbound marketing is marketing that interrupts consumers and forces the message on them. When you think about it like this, outbound marketing sounds rather rude.

Social media has quickly become the most effective means for inbound marketing. But, simply switching your messages from outbound marketing outlets to your social media outlets isn’t enough. Outbound messages are trying to be heard over the massive amounts of other messages that a person is bombarded with each and every day. Outbound messages are the equivalent of screaming at someone. Inbound marketing in the form of social media is for people who are already seeking out information from you. They may appreciate something with more detail. And, since social media platforms are a place for conversation, it’s a perfect place to be conversational and to encourage interaction.

Social media marketing is ideal for both businesses and consumers. Don’t just try to be heard. Invest in social media marketing, get your message to those customers who are not only interested in your message, but are also at a point in time when they can fully absorb your message and interact with your brand.

At Welborn Social Media we truly believe that every business can benefit from social media marketing. If you’re interested in social media services for your business please contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973-9089 or email Zeb@WelbornSocialMedia.com

Design a Customized Profile Image for Your Facebook Business Page

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

One of the many things we do is set up Facebook Profiles. It is important to fully fill in profile information and to have a to-the-point description in the About section, since that always shows up on the side bar on the left of the Facebook page.

We do these things, but our favorite part of setting up a Facebook Business page is creating the page’s profile picture.

The maximum width for a Facebook image (as displayed on the profile page) is 180px. Which isn’t a whole lot of room. The good thing is that this image can be much longer. The maximum height is 540px (as displayed on the profile page). Which makes a good size space for you to add some color to a page, add information, or add an image that really expresses the brand.

One important thing to keep in mind is the page thumbnail. The thumbnail is the small square image that shows up next to your page name whenever you post on Facebook. This thumbnail is taken from your profile picture. To get a good thumbnail make sure there’s a square portion that’s almost as wide as your profile image dedicated to giving your page a good thumbnail. (To set your page thumbnail: After you post your profile image you can click to ‘change picture’ and ‘edit thumbnail’ to pick the appropriate part of your profile image to be the thumbnail.)

When designing a Facebook profile picture I usually make sure the logo takes up nearly the whole width of the image, that it has a square portion all to itself, and there’s no distracting background behind the logo. This portion will make up the thumbnail. Then I work with the colors and the attitude of the business to create something appealing and attractive. Sometimes it is important to get more information in the Facebook image, one thing I always try to include is some contact information. It should always be easy to find out how to get in touch with a company. I always keep the Facebook layout in mind when designing these pictures. Once I get the image together I like to put it into a screenshot of a Facebook profile so that I can really see how it’s going to look on the page. After a little fine tuning and approval from the business owner we post it up and admire how much a well crafted profile picture can really enhance the look of a Facebook page.

Keeping the Facebook layout in mind can let you have a little fun with profile images.Try adding a shadow to the edges of an profile picture to create a little bit of depth, or use the white background to your advantage by adding rounded corners. The white background could also be useful in creating a super 3-d look, a photo at an interesting angle with a white background could be used in the profile picture to create a really dynamic effect.

Lacey’s super special tip: Most people recommend that the Facebook page profile picture be 180px wide by 540px tall, but it’s better to upload a page image that is 250px wide by 750px tall. That way when the profile picture is opened the image viewer it will be full size.

If you would like help setting up a Facebook page for your business, or if you already have one but want it maximized contact Contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973-9088. Be sure to ask about the other Facebook services we provide.