Do You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset or an Employee Mindset?

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Charlotte Clary and Beverly Vines-Haines were two grandmas who started close to thirty different businesses which all ended up failing . .  until they hit it big with Ice Chips Candy.  The world was introduced to Charlotte and Beverly when they were featured as the entrepreneurs who invented Ice Chips Candy on ABC’s hit TV show, Shark Tank.  

Beverly Vines-Haines, Charlotte Clary and Ice Chips Candy.  An Entrepreneurial Mindset.

Beverly Vines-Haines, Charlotte Clary and Ice Chips Candy

If you talk to many business owners, many of them will say, “I am unemployable.”  The reason for that is that these people who are entrepreneurial have figured out a way to make a living without becoming an employee.  They then use their time to work, and work, and work to create and test new ideas until they find the idea that will lead to their ultimate success.  Some people become successful on their first business, but most business owners who have become successful have started numerous ventures until they hit the one that makes them a success.  

The Tutoring Solution | Chino Hills, Chino, Corona, Norco, Eastvale, Southern California

The Tutoring Solution

My first business is The Tutoring Solution.  We are a local tutoring company that serves Chino, Chino Hills, Corona, Eastvale and numerous other cities in Southern California.  I learned the skills I needed to create a successful business by building and growing The Tutoring Solution.  I still own The Tutoring Solution and hired my then girlfriend and now wife, Cynthia De La Torre to become the director of the business and to manage it.  The skills I learned while building the tutoring business directly led me to starting Welborn Media, devoted toward helping passionate business owners use the Internet to become more successful.  Welborn Media has even grown to expand to include 19th Hole Media and the Defining Success Podcast.  I have been bitten by the entrepreneurial bug and now I’m honing and growing my craft . . . working to make my business more successful every day.

A great example of someone who has an entrepreneurial mindset is my father-in-law who owns his own agricultural business. He grew up in Mexico and as a young boy of probably five years old, he would work to sell gum on street corners . . . his first taste of entrepreneurship.  When he came to America, he got a job at a young age in the agricultural business where he learned and cultivated his craft.  Others saw him as someone with a strong work ethic and someone who achieved results.  As a result, he was given more responsibilities and more pay until he was able to afford to purchase a piece of land where he could grow and sell ground cover at his business, DLT Growers.  His entrepreneurial mindset led him down the path towards a career in entrepreneurship and he’s constantly thinking of new ideas and new ways to grow and expand his business and even create new opportunities for others.

DLT Growers sells ground cover in Southern California

DLT Growers

Charlotte Clary and Beverly Vines-Haines are two of my favorite entrepreneurs.  For those of you that are unfamiliar with Ice Chips Candy, they are natural mints which are broken up into uneven pieces.  The way they explained it on Shark Tank, they painted the picture that they created this product in their garage and were breaking up these pieces by hand with a hammer in their home.  It’s a visual which always reminds me that becoming successful takes hard work, discipline and a willingness to get your hands dirty.  Charlotte and Beverly are a great example of entrepreneurs who fought and fought and fought until they hit it big.

There is a big difference between entrepreneurs and employees . . . the most important being in their mindset.

An entrepreneurial mindset is being someone who is constantly willing to make mistakes, learn from them and grow as a result. They are continually leaving their comfort zone, and experimenting with trial and error.  Most employees, I’ve found, are in the mindset of avoiding mistakes.  Employees who make mistakes are typically reprimanded for doing so and thus they lose some of their creativity in the process.  An entrepreneur is constantly making mistakes, failing at things and learning from them.

2013 Chino Hills Business of The Year | Welborn Social Media

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Welborn Social Media named the 2013 Chino Hills Business of the Year by the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce!

Last Friday night, June 28, I went to the 2013 Installation & Awards Dinner for the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce. I was already looking forward to the evening because it would be my first event as a member of the Chino Valley Chamber Board of Directors, but I had no idea how amazing I would feel at the end of the night.

Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce 2013 Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Business of the Year Award Presented to the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce

2013 Chino Business of the Year Award

While at the Planes of Fame Museum in Chino for the event I thought back over the last few years.

My sister, Lacey and I founded Welborn Social Media in 2011 while we were both living at our parents house. Before that I was running my Chino Valley tutoring company, The Tutoring Solution. It was there that I encountered business owners and found they were not what I expected (greedy and self-interested people who only care about money). Instead they were people who loved what they did and were simply trying to help others.

Before that, as an educator, I felt discouraged at the lack of drive and motivation in my students. My mind began forming a theory that our societal problems stem from a lack of passion and excitement in a person’s professional life.

Our goal at Welborn Media has been shaped by these experiences. We want to help business owners who are passionate and love what they do. Why? Because, if we can help them be successful more people will try to emulate them. In our opinion, the world will be a better place if there are more people who love what they do, are good at it, and are willing to help others.

Joining the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce in January, 2012 was an easy choice: it aligned with our mission.  Through the Chamber, Lacey and I have met some phenomenal people . . . all hard-working and all willing to help others.

Since then we have developed some strong relationships. We have been managing the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce Facebook page and have worked with friends of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce: Rodell & Company, ABC Services, Alba Moesser, Los Serranos Country Club, Gotcha Covered, Beltone Hearing Aids, and Kardar Insurance.

At the end of 2012, the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce selected us to build their new website which was completed a few months ago. We have received so many complements on the new website. I know they are happy they chose us for the project.

When we decided to become a part of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce we knew it would allow us to help businesses in our community grow. If we can help our passionate local business owners use the Internet more effectively then the people and businesses in our area will thrive. We want to introduce local businesses to the online opportunities available to them, and show them how they can maximize their efforts by developing a strong online presence for their business.

At the end of the Installation & Awards dinner the final award of the night went to the 2013 Business of the Year. Debbie Mitsch, the newly sworn in president, began, “This business started in 2011 and is very big in the social media world…” She announced “Welborn Social Media” as the 2013 Chino Hills Business of the Year. I was shocked.

There are so many successful, vibrant businesses… it is truly an honor. We are so very thankful the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce feels we were worthy of such an award.

My sister and I still have a lot of work to do to turn Welborn Media into the company we both know it can be. It’s a tremendous feeling to have others recognize the efforts and strides we have made as well as see the potential we have.

It’s amazing to see how supportive others in our community have been to us and how quickly our business has grown. Thank you to every person who had a hand in our selection as the 2013 Chino Hills Business of the Year.

Thank You!

Zeb Welborn

The 60-Day Blogging Challenge | An Interview with Jeffery Ross

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Jeffery Ross – Internet Marketing

Jeffery Ross is an Internet marketer, entrepreneur and stay at home dad. Jeffery is a member of a unique community called The Six Figure Mentors. The “Six Figure Mentors” is a community of like-minded people who are interested in taking their online businesses to the next level, and this community is full of some of the leading Internet Marketers around.

Jeffery recently embarked on a 60-day blogging challenge.  I was able to interview Jeffery about the blogging challenge he established for himself to help those of you interested in starting your own blog, or doing your own online marketing get an understanding of what it takes to become an Internet Marketer while avoiding some of the pitfalls and understanding what it takes to succeed.

What got you started on this 60 day blog writing challenge?

Well Zeb back in October last year I became a member of an unique community called the Six Figure Mentors, and in November they set a marketing challenge for any one who was willing and just happen to be a 60 day blogging challenge. During the time that this challenge was set I was learning all about Blogging so i could add this to my marketing and relationship building strategies and I always like learning a new skill. So it was perfect timing for me and I can’t think of a better way to learn a new skill then a challenge to keep you accountable.   

What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned from writing 60 blogs in 60 days?

I will keep the answer to this one short and sweet. I have heard the expression before I started blogging everyday that “content is king” this is true but in opinion it is QUALITY Content that is king and you have to keep you content engaging otherwise people won’t read it. And another lesson i have learned is to always have the mindset of adding value to everything you do and that is what i like to do with my blogs, it is my aim to add value to my readers… 

What the biggest mistake you’ve made so far?

A great Question Zeb, At the start of my journey i was to focused on just blogging for blogging sake just so i could content out there. Now i have learned from this and it all about adding value and been engaging all the time and it doesn’t hurt to be conversational with your blogs.

What’s your passion?  Why did you decide to take on this challenge?

Another couple of great questions, Lets start with the first one. I am very Passionate about helping others to learn how they can have a digital life. The worlds economy is changing and we are at the start of a new age the Digital age. Just whilst we are on this topic, I would just like to share with you my Mission for 2013. My mission in 2013 is to EMPOWER 124 serious  entrepreneurs to create a digital life where they are in absolute control of their own DESTINY & Financially Self – Sufficient. So they can have the FREEDOM & Lifestyle they choose to have. So why did I take this challenge on the answer to this is simple, for me to help 124 Entrepreneurs this year alone i have to learn the cutting edge skills so i can do this, plus I always thrive on a challenge and this one was no exception. I have found committed myself to a challenge like this keeps me accountable to achieve the desired outcome.

Jeffery Ross – 60 Day Blog Challenge

What’s been your favorite blog post so far and why?

WOW that is a tough question, but i like it you made me think on this one there is so many but i will only pick one. My favourite blog is “How do you actually make money online” . This is my favourite because i go on to explain that if you want o make money online you have to have the right foundations in place and having the right mindset. See i have actually been making an effort to make money online for around 2 years now and it wasn’t until i changed my mindset from an opportunity seeker to the mindset of a business owner that i started to have success with my online business. the moment i changed my mindset everything started to happen for me. so this one is very close to my heart for that reason…  

Who do you get advice from?

I have few different methods of getting feed back and advice from, I am a member of a blogging group were we help each other, this is a very close group of only 10 people which one of the members is yourself Zeb, and i do like taking your advice you have helped me out so much on my blogs over the past few months. Some the other place i get advice from is my Mentor and the SFM community I also run a weekly Master Mind session fro a few people here in Australia and New Zealand all members from the SFM..

What would you recommend to others who want to get started doing what you’re doing?

My biggest advice to anyone who is looking into getting started with Internet Marketing is Find a Mentor, someone that you can work closely with and someone already has had some success so you can follow in their footsteps and remember that there is no get quick rich scheme to be successful at this game you need to put in the hard yards just like any other business and one final piece of advice is to treat it like a business not a hobby, if you treat like a hobby you will only get hobby results…   

What’s been your greatest success story so far?

Great question, When I first started with the Six Figure Mentors , I went in with a whole new mindset see in the past i would normally only go into something new with one toe dipped into the water this time i jumped in the deep end and it paid of as within my first 6 weeks of been a member of the SFM i got my first $1000 commission sale, I learned that day it’s so true that Action takers are the ones who get rewarded…

What are you hoping to achieve with your business?  How do you make money?

It’s my goal to have my business up and running with multiple streams of income and to be able to educate beginners to the Internet Marketing world on how to start their own online business so they can set up their own multiple streams of income and have the FREEDOM that they want. I plan on having this up and running at 100% capacity in the next 5 years… At this present time i make money with High commissions from direct sales, I promote The Six Figure Mentors And the Digital Experts Academy and for every sale of one of their product that I sell i get a commission form that and that have a product for everyone ranging from low end sales to high end sales.

Jeffery Ross is an entrepreneur and a stay at home dad.  He started his online business 2 years ago and has never looked back. It is his mission to help others with the skills that he has learned so they too can have the Digital lifestyle.  Jeffery is passionate about travelling the world while being free to live the life he wants to live and teaching others to do the same.

Connect with Jeffery Ross through Facebook, or his website –


Who’s Your Ideal Customer?

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Ideal Customer vs. Average Customer by Cynthia De La Torre

Who’s your ideal customer? Depending on your business, the difference between average and ideal customers could be hundreds, thousands or millions of dollars.

The average customer is someone who buys the product or service and has no relationship with the business beyond the buying and selling of goods.

The ideal customer is someone who continually buys the product or service and promotes the product or service to others.

As an entrepreneur, I learned early on that my success was dependent upon having people invested in my business and sharing my business with others. The Tutoring Solution, which provides tutoring for students across Southern California, was able to locate these ideal customers through email and social media campaigns. These ideal customers loved our product, loved the relationship I had developed with them, and encouraged other parents with kids in need to sign up for our tutoring services. One parent emailed her entire school telling them what a great job we were doing with her son, another encouraged five different families to receive tutoring from us and another, a High School Counselor, continues to refer every struggling student she comes across our way. These connections are not made by chance, they are fostered and have resulted in thousands of dollars in increased revenue.

Facebook and Twitter have given businesses the opportunity to locate these ideal customers and develop a win-win relationship that, when used effectively, will result in increased revenue. Not only do they make it easy to identify our ideal customers, but Facebook and Twitter encourage our customers to be more like our ideal customers. Every time they “like” our page, every time they “comment” on our page,and every time they “share” one of our posts, they are acting like a sales machine for our business.

Welborn Social Media has helped locate these ideal customers for the businesses we work. At Scrapbook Expo we developed a strong relationship with a scrapbooker from Georgia who continually re-tweeted our stuff. We connected with her and she told us she was contacting all of her Scrapbooking friends from across the United States to attend one of the Scrapbook Expos. Not only that, but she was sending our sales messages off to everyone she knew. Similarly, at Los Serranos, we located two fervent supporters of the golf course; we encouraged a stronger relationship which has resulted in the creation of our 19th Hole Stories where golfers share their most memorable events at the golf course and have taken their weekly golf match from a rival course to ours. At WireSpeed Systems we connected with Cisco Systems – the largest producer of computer networking equipment – where they made us their SuperFan of the month and consequently shared our business with more than 225,00o of their followers.

Facebook and Twitter give us the opportunity to identify, connect and grow our relationship with our biggest supporters. In the tutoring business, this has resulted in thousands of dollars in increased revenue. In other businesses, it could mean much, much more.

By its very nature, Facebook and Twitter encourage the sharing of information, and people will share what is important to them. If you give them an opportunity to connect with your business and make it easy for them to share your product or service, your business will benefit. If you want to make more money for your business, find who’s your ideal customer. From my experiences there is no easier way to find your ideal customers than through social media.

Contact Zeb Welborn today at (909) 973 – 9089 to schedule a free personalized presentation to demonstrate how we can help grow your business.