Super Simple Secrets to Business Blog Writing Success

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

My first website launched in 2010. I remember the feeling of excitement as my business could now be found on the world wide web by customers all over the world.

I imagined the phone ringing off the hook, more customers than I could handle and making my first million by the end of the year.

My sister and business partner, Lacey built The Tutoring Solution website. Fortunately for me she installed Google Analytics so we could track exactly how many visitors we had coming to our website.

The Tutoring Solution Business Blog Writing

At the end of the week, I saw my website had three visitors – likely my Mom, Dad and brother.

The harsh reality set in – this was going to take more work than I thought.

I heard blog writing could help get your website ranking in the search engines so I committed myself to writing a blog post every day for six months.

My website starting showing up in the search engines, my phone began ringing off the hook, I took on more customers than I could handle and while not yet a millionaire, my businesses have averaged 50% growth over the last seven years.

Since that first website, Lacey and I have set up, built and executed blogs for ourselves, for companies we represent and helped new business bloggers get started with theirs.

Blog Writing by the Numbers:

Blog writing has grown my business, but it’s also become a critical tool for businesses large and small.

A good metric to determine the importance of blogging in the global marketplace is to see where marketers are spending their time, efforts and money.

In surveys conducted with marketers by Social Media Examiner, The Content Marketing Institute, Gartner and Socialeemedia, they found:

  • 45% of marketers say blogging is their #1 most important content strategy
  • 70% of business to business (B2B) marketers plan to create more content in 2017 than 2016
  • 28% of marketers have reduced their advertising budget to fund more digital marketing
  • Marketers who prioritize blogging are 13 times more likely to realize a positive ROI

In terms of making purchasing decisions marketing companies Stratabeat and Lenati found that:

  • 80% of business decision makers prefer to get company information in a series of articles versus an advertisement
  • 67% of the typical B2B journey is now done digitally
  • 90% of B2B buyers say online content has a moderate to major effect on their purchasing decisions

Marketers and decision-makers both agree about the importance of online content in the sales cycle. To thrive in today’s environment, a digital marketing campaign is critical.

Learn why having a business blog is important, how to get it started, how to create content, and how to make money from it.

Sign up for the Welborn Media email newsletter to receive our upcoming blog posts about:

  • Why Having a Business Blog is Important
  • How to Start Your Business Blog
  • How to Make Money from Blog Writing

On Thursday, Feb. 16 Zeb Welborn from Welborn Media will be speaking through the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board at the Ontario Chamber of Commerce sharing his Super Simple Secrets to Blog Writing Success. If you miss this engagement, Zeb Welborn will continue to speak throughout 2017 on how to run successful digital marketing campaigns for your business.

You can sign up for these free business workshops here – 2017 Social Media Marketing Workshops.

Super Simple Secrets to Blog Writing Success

Leave comments below: Have you thought about writing a blog, but haven’t started yet? What’s holding you back? Do you have a blog online? What is the url of your blog so we can check it out? Do you have any questions about blog writing?

Welborn Media’s Top 10 Moments of 2016

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

At our end of year meeting each year we go over a lot of material, make a lot of plans, and do a lot of business stuff. But, we also make a point to look back over the previous year and celebrate our victories.

We have come a long way since we started in 2010. Here is our Top 10 of 2016.

Top 10 of 2016

10. Share Your Passion Scholarships

Since starting the Share Your Passion Scholarships in 2012, we’ve awarded scholarships to several deserving students.We have kept in contact with many scholarship winners and are still inspired by them. They continue to work towards following their passions and helping better the lives of others.This year we awarded Share Your Passion Scholarships and gave out a 2016 Student of the Year Scholarship Award to one of the hardest working students at The Tutoring Solution.Mena Mekhaeel was our 2016 Student of the Year Scholarship Winner
9. Speaking Gigs

Zeb held a number of speaking/education sessions this year. Some were hosted by San Bernardino County Workforce Development, Inland Empire Small Business Development Center, Loma Linda Chamber of Commerce, and Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce.The San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board and the Inland Empire Small Business Development Center have asked Zeb to come back for a series of workshops in 2017.
8. Moderated Chino Valley City Council Debates

Zeb Welborn moderated the Chino and Chino Hills’ Community Forums. It was a memorable experience in a year where politics were at the forefront of everyone’s mind.
7. New Clients

This year we met many people who are passionate about that they do and we were able to work with many of them on their internet presence.Our new clients this year include Eye Eco, CORE Real Estate, San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board, Fairway Mortgage, Tony’s Truck Shades, Intensity Security US and OoMaLoo Dog Toys.We also got the chance to work with Monte Vista Farms, ABC Public Relations, Delicate Smiles, TXD International, Inland Caregiver Resource Center, DLT Growers and Elite Dental Associates through an awesome program with a business boosting organization, DI Solutions, in the Inland Empire.
6. Business Growth

In our 5th year of business, we have consistently grown our business by 50% year over year. It’s something we are extremely proud of and have no signs of slowing down. It’s amazing what we’ve been able to create in just five years.
5. Volunteer Opportunities

This year Zeb was able to participate in some awesome and memorable volunteer opportunities with the Chino Rotary Club. In October, Zeb met with fellow Rotarians to build a home in Tecate, Mexico. In December Zeb helped build the Rotary float for the Rose Bowl Parade with friends and fellow Rotarians.Zeb also hosted the Southern California Charity Golf Classic again in 2017 raising more than $12,000 for local charities.
4. Business Workshop with the San Bernardino County Workshop Development Board

Earlier this year we received a government contract to work with the San Bernardino County Workforce Development Board to design, implement and promote local online marketing workshops.These workshops are held throughout San Bernardino County to support business growth. We’ve already worked with over 100 different business owners through the San Bernardino Country Workforce Development Board and are excited that they’ve renewed our agreement for 2017.Our workshops in the first part of this year will be:

  • Best Strategies for Blogging Success
  • Email Marketing to Get the Sale
  • Create a Winning Internet Marketing Game Plan for Your Business
  • Get Immediate Business Results with Pay-Per-Click Campaigns
  • The Right Way to Market Your Business on Facebook

If you’d like to attend any of these workshops, reply to this email so I can make sure to let you know when they’re officially scheduled. These workshops fill up early.

3. Chairman of the Board – Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce

Zeb Welborn finished his term as Chairman of the Board of the Chino Valley Chamber of Commerce and passed the torch to fellow chamber member and friend Belinda Douglas. As chairman of the board Zeb’s mission was to be of service to the Chino Valley Business Community.He identified five things he wanted to accomplish during his term. Find out if he did them and read his Outgoing Chairman’s Message – Outgoing Chairman’s Message: Thank You!
2. Testimonials

We love hearing great things about the work we’re doing for our clients. This year we received several glowing testimonials about the work we do.We consider ourselves very fortunate to work with so many wonderful people and it’s an unbelievable feeling to know they feel the same way.
1. Rotary President-Elect

Zeb is the current President-Elect for the Chino Rotary Club and will take over on July 1, 2017.The Chino Rotary Club has been around for more than 90 years servicing the Chino Valley community.Zeb plans to continue that mission and has devoted the 2017 year to helping the Chino Valley Community.The Chino Rotary Club meets every Wednesday at noon at the Chino Community Building for lunch and to work to do good things for our community and world. If you’re interested in joining the Rotary or learning more let us know!

We are so fortunate to be able to do work that we love with people who are passionate and interesting. We hope you all had a Merry Christmas and will have a happy new year. We are so looking forward to 2017.

At the end of another amazing year we want to say Thank You!

We will be sending out monthly emails and videos with tips and tactics on how to market your business better in 2017.

Our first emails will be the Best Strategies for Blogging Success and the Do’s and Don’ts of Facebook Marketing.

Sign up for our email list in 2017 to keep tabs on the growth of our business and learn new ways you can help to grow yours.

Sign Up to Receive Welborn Media’s Emails

The 60-Day Blogging Challenge | An Interview with Jeffery Ross

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Jeffery Ross – Internet Marketing

Jeffery Ross is an Internet marketer, entrepreneur and stay at home dad. Jeffery is a member of a unique community called The Six Figure Mentors. The “Six Figure Mentors” is a community of like-minded people who are interested in taking their online businesses to the next level, and this community is full of some of the leading Internet Marketers around.

Jeffery recently embarked on a 60-day blogging challenge.  I was able to interview Jeffery about the blogging challenge he established for himself to help those of you interested in starting your own blog, or doing your own online marketing get an understanding of what it takes to become an Internet Marketer while avoiding some of the pitfalls and understanding what it takes to succeed.

What got you started on this 60 day blog writing challenge?

Well Zeb back in October last year I became a member of an unique community called the Six Figure Mentors, and in November they set a marketing challenge for any one who was willing and just happen to be a 60 day blogging challenge. During the time that this challenge was set I was learning all about Blogging so i could add this to my marketing and relationship building strategies and I always like learning a new skill. So it was perfect timing for me and I can’t think of a better way to learn a new skill then a challenge to keep you accountable.   

What’s the most valuable thing you’ve learned from writing 60 blogs in 60 days?

I will keep the answer to this one short and sweet. I have heard the expression before I started blogging everyday that “content is king” this is true but in opinion it is QUALITY Content that is king and you have to keep you content engaging otherwise people won’t read it. And another lesson i have learned is to always have the mindset of adding value to everything you do and that is what i like to do with my blogs, it is my aim to add value to my readers… 

What the biggest mistake you’ve made so far?

A great Question Zeb, At the start of my journey i was to focused on just blogging for blogging sake just so i could content out there. Now i have learned from this and it all about adding value and been engaging all the time and it doesn’t hurt to be conversational with your blogs.

What’s your passion?  Why did you decide to take on this challenge?

Another couple of great questions, Lets start with the first one. I am very Passionate about helping others to learn how they can have a digital life. The worlds economy is changing and we are at the start of a new age the Digital age. Just whilst we are on this topic, I would just like to share with you my Mission for 2013. My mission in 2013 is to EMPOWER 124 serious  entrepreneurs to create a digital life where they are in absolute control of their own DESTINY & Financially Self – Sufficient. So they can have the FREEDOM & Lifestyle they choose to have. So why did I take this challenge on the answer to this is simple, for me to help 124 Entrepreneurs this year alone i have to learn the cutting edge skills so i can do this, plus I always thrive on a challenge and this one was no exception. I have found committed myself to a challenge like this keeps me accountable to achieve the desired outcome.

Jeffery Ross – 60 Day Blog Challenge

What’s been your favorite blog post so far and why?

WOW that is a tough question, but i like it you made me think on this one there is so many but i will only pick one. My favourite blog is “How do you actually make money online” . This is my favourite because i go on to explain that if you want o make money online you have to have the right foundations in place and having the right mindset. See i have actually been making an effort to make money online for around 2 years now and it wasn’t until i changed my mindset from an opportunity seeker to the mindset of a business owner that i started to have success with my online business. the moment i changed my mindset everything started to happen for me. so this one is very close to my heart for that reason…  

Who do you get advice from?

I have few different methods of getting feed back and advice from, I am a member of a blogging group were we help each other, this is a very close group of only 10 people which one of the members is yourself Zeb, and i do like taking your advice you have helped me out so much on my blogs over the past few months. Some the other place i get advice from is my Mentor and the SFM community I also run a weekly Master Mind session fro a few people here in Australia and New Zealand all members from the SFM..

What would you recommend to others who want to get started doing what you’re doing?

My biggest advice to anyone who is looking into getting started with Internet Marketing is Find a Mentor, someone that you can work closely with and someone already has had some success so you can follow in their footsteps and remember that there is no get quick rich scheme to be successful at this game you need to put in the hard yards just like any other business and one final piece of advice is to treat it like a business not a hobby, if you treat like a hobby you will only get hobby results…   

What’s been your greatest success story so far?

Great question, When I first started with the Six Figure Mentors , I went in with a whole new mindset see in the past i would normally only go into something new with one toe dipped into the water this time i jumped in the deep end and it paid of as within my first 6 weeks of been a member of the SFM i got my first $1000 commission sale, I learned that day it’s so true that Action takers are the ones who get rewarded…

What are you hoping to achieve with your business?  How do you make money?

It’s my goal to have my business up and running with multiple streams of income and to be able to educate beginners to the Internet Marketing world on how to start their own online business so they can set up their own multiple streams of income and have the FREEDOM that they want. I plan on having this up and running at 100% capacity in the next 5 years… At this present time i make money with High commissions from direct sales, I promote The Six Figure Mentors And the Digital Experts Academy and for every sale of one of their product that I sell i get a commission form that and that have a product for everyone ranging from low end sales to high end sales.

Jeffery Ross is an entrepreneur and a stay at home dad.  He started his online business 2 years ago and has never looked back. It is his mission to help others with the skills that he has learned so they too can have the Digital lifestyle.  Jeffery is passionate about travelling the world while being free to live the life he wants to live and teaching others to do the same.

Connect with Jeffery Ross through Facebook, or his website –


Social Media is the Preferred Marketing for Everyone!

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Direct mail, radio commercials, television commercials, billboards, flashing web advertisements, pop-up ads, and horribly timed telemarketing phone calls are all forms of marketing most people find extremely annoying. They are intrusions in our lives — always interrupting. They’re not like social media marketing. The biggest difference between this kind of marketing and social media marketing is that people get to pick and choose which social media messages they receive.

On Facebook you choose which pages you like, on Twitter you pick who you follow, when it comes to blogs you pick which ones you read. Social media allows you to subscribe to messages for the products and services you actually want to hear about.

Marketing your business to only those that want to receive your message at times during their day when they’re able to take in your message is more effective and less expensive than other forms of marketing. There are two forms of marketing, inbound and outbound. Inbound marketing is any form of marketing that helps you get found by potential customers. Outbound marketing is marketing that interrupts consumers and forces the message on them. When you think about it like this, outbound marketing sounds rather rude.

Social media has quickly become the most effective means for inbound marketing. But, simply switching your messages from outbound marketing outlets to your social media outlets isn’t enough. Outbound messages are trying to be heard over the massive amounts of other messages that a person is bombarded with each and every day. Outbound messages are the equivalent of screaming at someone. Inbound marketing in the form of social media is for people who are already seeking out information from you. They may appreciate something with more detail. And, since social media platforms are a place for conversation, it’s a perfect place to be conversational and to encourage interaction.

Social media marketing is ideal for both businesses and consumers. Don’t just try to be heard. Invest in social media marketing, get your message to those customers who are not only interested in your message, but are also at a point in time when they can fully absorb your message and interact with your brand.

At Welborn Social Media we truly believe that every business can benefit from social media marketing. If you’re interested in social media services for your business please contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973-9089 or email

The Top 11 Moments for Welborn Social Media in 2011

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

We founded Welborn Social Media in June 2011 and despite being open for business for roughly six months, we have many memorable moments.  The following is our top 11 moments for Welborn Social Media in 2011.  Thank you to our friends, family and the businesses who have used our services this year.  We are extremely optimistic about 2012 and can’t wait to see what the future has in store for Welborn Social Media and the people we interact with.

  1. We began the year by expanding our social media, graphic and website design knowledge by learning new ways to promote The Tutoring Solution.
  2. In June, Welborn Social Media got it’s start with our first client Scrapbook Expo.  We have been running the Scrapbook Expo Twitter Page ever since.
  3. In July, we started work on Los Serranos Country Club‘s blog, Facebook and Twitter pages and continue to run their social media presence.
  4. In August, we began working for WireSpeed Systems, a global supplier for new and refurbished networking equipment.  We run their Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn pages.
  5. In October, we started a Facebook and a blog for System 1 Interiors, Los Angeles’s best acoustic ceiling removal company.
  6. We launched the Welborn Social Media website and began developing our own social media presence.Welborn Social Media Online
  7. Attended the Arizona Business Growth Expo and began developing business relationships with wonderful people that will continue to help us as our business grows.
  8. As a result of our work, our client, WireSpeed Systems, was recognized by Cisco, the largest corporation in the networking industry, as their Facebook SuperFan. WireSpeed Systems has been featured in Cisco’s Facebook profile picture since the beginning of November.
  9. Hosted our first Twitter chat for our client Scrapbook Expo. It was a success and we’ve been hosting two Twitter chats a month ever since. Follow #ScrapChat at 6pm PT on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month to join in!
  10. Launched DLT Growers brand new website, built by Welborn Social Media.  DLT Growers sells ground cover to companies like Lowe’s and Home Depot.
  11. Helped the Women’s English National Football team’s starting goalkeeper, Karen Bardsley wish fans a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

It’s been a truly memorable year. The most exciting part of this year is the possibilities for next year. In the past few weeks we’ve been talking with a variety of businesses about enhancing their brand with our social media services. We already have some exciting things in store for 2012 and can’t wait to write the year in review at the end of next year, it’s bound to be packed with even more memorable moments.

Happy New Year!

Welcome Scrapbookers!

Lacey and her brother Zeb Welborn founded Welborn Media. She has designed and launched websites, several projects, marketing materials, a podcast, a book and more. Her passions include her family, her friends, creating things and helping businesses grow.
Latest posts by Lacey Welborn (see all)

Thanks for visiting us from Scrapbook Expo’s website. Scrapbook Expo is one of our most valuable clients and we are thrilled they gave us the opportunity to inform you about the social media services we provide.

We develop and execute social media campaigns for small and medium sized businesses. That can include anything from setting up a blog and creating profile pages to doing daily posting and gaining followers. Our goal is to connect your company to new customers while creating a more engaging relationship with your existing customers.

The tools we use to connect your current and potential customers includes Blogging, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube.


Currently we advise Scrapbook Expo on their Facebook strategy and manage their Twitter account. Check out their Twitter feed below.


Because you found us through the Scrapbook Expo website, we would like to offer you a Free Personalized Consultation discussing the benefits Social Media can have on your business. Please fill out the form and we’ll contact you within 48 hours.


For more information contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973-9089.

Thanks again for visiting our Website! Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

“Life is just a Scrapbook waiting for us to put it on Acid Free paper.” …and tweet about it, and post it on Facebook and write about it on our blog.

How Will Blogging Help My Business? | 5 Key Benefits Blogging Brings to Any Company

The owner of Welborn Social Media and the founder of The Tutoring Solution.My goal is to help business owners share the passion they have for their business with as many potential customers as possible.By helping passionate people achieve their dreams I am helping to create a society of passionate leaders that will help inspire others to make their dreams a reality.

Last week, I had a phone conversation with Mary McPadden, owner of Balanced Billing in Phoenix, Arizona.  I met Mary at the 2011 Business Growth Expo (Tempe, AZ). At the event, she said she knew she needed to start blogging, but did not understand how devel0ping a blog could help her company.  Many business owners I have encountered feel the same way.  Everyone tells them they need to start blogging, but many do not understand the benefits a blog can bring to their business.

When I started The Tutoring Solution in 2010, I needed to find new ways to make people aware of my business.  I made the commitment to build a website, once it was online I found that people were not visiting my site like I had hoped.  I began looking for new ways to promote my business, but didn’t have a lot of money to do so.  This is when I discovered blogging.

Blogging has had an immense impact on my business . . . not only in attracting more customers, but also by helping me develop a better understanding of the needs of my customers.

  • Google (Search Engine) Results

A blog is the most efficient way to drive new traffic to your website using Search Engine (Google) results.  When a person uses Google, they are looking for something specific that they want.  If you are offering the product or service they want, it’s extremely important to be ranked highly on the Google Search Engine.

Google Search Results are separated into two different categories, paid results and organic results.  Organic results are more effective than paid results in attracting visitors to your website.  When a person looks up something on Google, the organic search results that Google comes up with are the websites Google feels are the closest match for what the person is looking for.  Being ranked #1 on Google is a sure-fire way to bring new business to your website.

Blogging also allow users to find your website through a variety of different keyword searches.  I started The Tutoring Solution website in June, 2010.  Since that time, people have found my website using 2,111 different keyword searches on Google.  Every blog article written generates new keywords people can type in to find your business and increases the chances your business will reach the first page of Google Search Results.

  • Content for Social Media Websites

Another question we are frequently asked is, “What should I post on my Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn/Google+ Pages?”  A blog should be the backbone of any Social Media campaign because it is an excellent way to generate content for your Social Media pages.  The more engaging your blog posts, the more likely people will interact with your Social Media pages. It makes it easier to increase followers on each one of your Social Media websites.

  •   Strengthens Your Website

When we began working for System 1 in Chino Hills, they had a fairly nice website setup which provided the basics for its customers including the types of services they provide and relevant contact information.  Though they are an amazing company with a rich tradition here in Southern California, the lack of information on their website has hindered their success.  The implementation of a blog has enhanced their online presence. Customers visiting their website have more information at their fingertips when making a purchasing decision.

Countless customers have decided to get their tutoring with The Tutoring Solution as a result of our blog.  I can’t tell you how many times a parent has chosen us because they related to the information we were putting out on our blog.  Providing useful tips and information to your current and potential customers is a great way to establish a relationship and increase sales.

In today’s world, customers want to know the company they are doing business with.  The more information you have available on your website, the more likely your messages will resonate with your potential customers.

  • Helping Instead of Selling

Before I started the blog for The Tutoring Solution, I received quite a few calls from customers who were interested in the product, who wanted more information and were trying to feel me and my company out.  My website suffered from not providing enough information to my customers.  As a result, I had to try to “Sell” my tutoring services to potential customers over the phone.  Almost every one of these conversations ended the same way . . . “Let me talk it over with so and so . . .”  I never heard from these people again.

The implementation of a blog had a drastic impact on the type of phone calls I received.  Instead of feeling the need to “Sell” my products, the callers were already sold and the only real question I received was how soon they could start and how I could help them.

When I first started The Tutoring Solution I charged $15 to $20 per hour, highly undervaluing my services and still parents asked for lower rates.  I decided to create my blog to establish myself as the tutoring expert. I now charge between $35 to $50 per hour and no longer receive any questions regarding my pricing.  My blog helped solidify me as the tutoring expert to customers who chose The Tutoring Solution over other companies in my area.

Every business sets out with the goal to help others, but many times we feel like we have to “Sell” our products to unwilling participants.  Developing a blog allowed me to stop ‘selling’ my services, and instead, let me enjoy providing a helpful service to my community.  Many parents have told me that because of my blog, they were are already sold before they picked up the phone.

  • Increases Your Understanding of the Needs of Your Customers

Mary McFadden from Balanced Billing is a potential customer for Welborn Social Media who expressed a legitimate concern . . .  How will blogging help my business?  For me, it’s obvious, but when she asked me that question I found it hard to articulate my answer.  By blogging, I am able to solidify, in my mind, the value and benefits I am providing to my customers.  By answering real questions from customers and potential customers and using blogs to answer those questions I develop a stronger understanding of the needs of my customer.  And my customers realize Welborn Social Media cares about their concerns and knows we will put forth the work to make sure their needs are met.

Every customer has needs. They have their own concerns regarding any service or product they purchase.  Blogging gives a company the opportunity to relate to their customers, to address any issues that arise, and alter their products and services to better meet the needs of their customers.  When a company puts the needs of the customer first, they will see financial benefits as a result.

*If you have questions regarding implementing a blog for your website, please contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973 – 9089 or