Packages and Pricing

Look over our internet marketing packages to find the best fit for your business then contact Zeb Welborn at (909) 973-9089 or

Social Media Consulting
Facebook Package
Social Media Consulting
Professional Facebook Management
Social Media Consulting
Professional Facebook Management
Professional Twitter Management
Social Media Consulting
Professional Facebook Management
Professional Twitter Management
Email Campaign
Blog Writing
Social Media Consulting
Professional Facebook Management
Professional Twitter Management
Email Campaign
Blog Writing
Professional YouTube Management
Bonus - Instagram Account Management

The Specifics

Social Media Consulting
We will have a monthly meeting with you to develop a custom plan for your business. Typically, at each meeting there will be three actionable items that you can implement immediately, as well as analysis of efforts over the previous month.
Professional Facebook Management
At least 1 post per day, daily Facebook advertising, 1 promoted post per month, outreach/networking with other Facebook pages, optimized Facebook profile
Professional Twitter Management
At least 100 posts per month, outreach to local clients/customers/partners, response to anyone who mentions your business, incorporate Twitter with your Facebook and blog/website, optimized Twitter profile
Professional YouTube Management
At least 1 video per month; incorporate videos with Facebook, Twitter, blog/webpage, and other internet outlets; optimized YouTube profile
Blog Writing At least 1 in-depth(macro content) blog post per week, 1 surface level(micro content) blog post per week
Bonus Setup and maintain Instagram account
Email Campaign 3 emails per week with information provided by you or your business


Need more flexibility?
Contact us to develop a custom package for your business. We can work with any budget.
Call (909) 973-9089 or email

Want to run your own campaign?
Let us help! Ask about our Consultation services.

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